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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
122 board of trustees [December 13, M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D B Y PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. CONSOLIDATION OF PLYM FELLOWSHIP AND SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1) A recommendation that the unused annual contributions of $1000 for the Plym travelling fellowship in architecture together with the interest thereon be consolidated with the capital sum of the Southern Pacific Railway securities and carried as one fund, and that any residue of income after the traveling fellowships and scholarships have been provided for be disbursed each year as prizes lor students in the Department of Architecture. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR MOODIE (2) A recommendation that a request of Professor Roy L. Moodie for leave of absence for three weeks with pay beginning December 22 in order to continue his studies in Paleopathology at the San Diego Museum, be granted. Deans Eycleshymer and Daniels recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this request was granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS DAVISSON (3) Dean Thompson recommends, and I concur, that Miss Mary Robert Davisson, Assistant in the Bureau of Business Research, be given leave of absence for one month without pay from December 1, on account of illness. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this request w a s granted. LABORATORY FEE IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 41 (4) A recommendation that a laboratory fee of $1.00 be charged in Animal Husbandry 41 (animal breeding). This recommendation w a s approved. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR HENRY BLUMBERG (5) A recommendation that the resignation of Dr. Henry Blumberg, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, who is on leave this year without salary for the purpose of recovering his health, be accepted. This recommendation w a s adopted. REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES (6) The Registrar's report of fees for the second semester of 1923-24 and the summer session of 1924. S E C O N D S E M E S T E R , 1923-24 Urbaka MATRICULATION FEES Gross Refund Net Total 273 at $10.00 $ 2,730.00 Refund, 13 at$10.00 $ 130.00 Total, Matriculation Fees $ 2,730.00 $ 130.00 $2,600.00 INCIDENTAL FEES 5173 at $25.00 $129,325.00 1348 at $37.50 50,550.00 11 at $56.25 618.75 7 at $12.50 87.50 2 at $18.75 37-5° Refund, 56 at $25.00 $ 1,400.00 Refund, 12 at $37.50 450.00 Refund, 15 at $18.75 281.25 Refund, 78 at $12.50 975.00 Total, Incidental Fees $180,618.75 $3,106.25 $177,512.50
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