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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

no board of trustees [October 25, McDonald, Emma J., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of thirty dollars ($30) a month. (October 2, 1924) Maloney, W . W., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September I, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Martin, L. E., Instructor in Pharmacy, for one year, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of two thousand dollars ($2,000). (October 2, 1924) Masslich, P. B., Technician in Pharmacology, in the College of Medicine, for one year, beginning September 4, 1924, at a salary of eighty-five dollars ($85) a month. (September 27, 1924) Masterman, Isabel, Stenographer in the Department of Business Organization and Operation, for one year, beginning September 10, 1924, at a salary of eightydollars ($80) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (September 30, 1924) Mathews, R. M., Assistant in Mathematics, on one-fourth time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of thirty dollars (£30) a month. (October 4, 1924) Meece, L. E., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September I, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Milton, Charles, Assistant in Geology, on three-fourths time, for five months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred five dollars ($105) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (October 2, 1924) Mitchell, W . A. E., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginnmg September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Nordmann, B. F., Assistant in History, on part time, for four months, beginning October 1, 1924, at a salary of seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (October 2, 1924) Oathout, Eva E., Laboratory Assistant in Nutrition, in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for nine months, beginning October 1, 1924, at a salary offiftydollars ($50) a month. (September 29, 1924) Olkon, D. M., Assistant Professor of Neurology, in the College of Medicine, beginning October 3, 1924, and continuing until September 1, 1925, without salary. (October 14, 1924) Osbom, Edith M., Stenographer in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, for ten months, beginning November 1, 1924, at a salary of seventy dollars (£70) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (October 15, 1924) Palmer, Elizabeth F., Assistant in English, for five months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred seventy dollars ($170) a month. (September 29, 1924) Park, 0. W., Assistant Professor of Apiculture, in the Department of Entomology, for three years, beginning September I, 1924, at a salary of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (September 30, 1924) Payton, Marvin, Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Pennington, L. E , Scholar in Economics, for the academic year beginning in September, 1924, at a stipendium of three hundred fifty dollars ($350). (September 30, 1924) Percival, Stella R., Instructor in Music, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars (£150) a month. This appointmentPinner, Max,her previousin Pathology and1924, at a salary theone hundredMed1924) lars ($100) a month. (October 4, 1924) icine, supersedes Instructor one.October 1, 6,Bacteriology, in of College of dolfor nine months, beginning (October
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