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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

102 board o f t r u s t e e s [October 2 5 , PROPOSED STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUILDINGS, 1925-27 Of these the ones which, in m y judgment, are at the present time most necessary and for which the sums of money indicated will be needed are as follows: (1) Second unit of the Library $500,000 (2) Erection of the facade and addition at one end of the Armory1 425,000 (3) Architecture3 500,000 (4) Pharmacy building addition to present building 350,000 (5) Erection of additional wing to new Gymnasium 225,000 $2,000,000 I recommend that this budget be adopted as the one to be submitted to the Department of Finance and to the Legislature for the coming biennium, 1925-1927; and that the President be directed to prepare and secure the introduction of a bill for appropriations to the University from the State in accordance therewith, and to take charge of the matter from now on. O n motion of M r . Trimble, these recommendations w e r e adopted. COMMITTEE O N PATENTS Mr. Trimble reported for the special committee to consider the policy of the University toward the issuing of licenses under patents held by the University (See minutes, July 9, 1924, page 9), particularly the Knipp-Brown and Kunz patents. On motion of Mrs. Blake, the special committee was continued, with power to negotiate and contract in connection with the sale of rights to manufacture under the Knipp-Brown and Kunz patents, and to engage a patent attorney as may be necessary. O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, $2,500 was appropriated from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for the use of this committee. The vote was as follows: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. Trimble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Small. DEATH A N D DISABILITY BENEFITS A N D RETIRING A L L O W A N C E S Mr. Trimble presented a report on the matter of death and disability benefits and retiring allowances. Action on this report was deferred. H O N O R A R I U M FOR PROFESSOR C R A T H O R N E O n motion of Mr. Trimble, an honorarium of $800 was granted to Professor A. R. Crathorne for actuarial work and other services to the committee on disability insurance and retiring allowances during the past three years. The appropriation was made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. Trimble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Small. 'For class rooms, offices, equipment rooms, and similar needs. aAnd such kindredfieldsol study as we can put into this building.
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