Caption: Mathematical Models by Arnold Emch - Series 2 (1923) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
MATHEMATICAL MODELS II SERIES 19. Peano Surface,1 In his Galcolo differentiate e principi di calcolo integrate^ published in 1884, Peano gave the first rigorous treatment of the theory of m a x i m a and m i n i m a of functions of several variables. T h e development of this theory m a y also be found on pp. 181=-!88, and in Fig. 1 note 133436, on p. 332 of the German translation (1899). The note contains a discussion of the n o w famous function, representing a certain quartic surface which m a y properly be called Peano Surface. lrThe last number of series I was 18. In this, as in prospective series, the models will be numbered continuously, so that in any inquiry concerning these models i t will suffice to state the corresponding number. [5]