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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 15 the academic and educational aspects of the intercollegiate athletics program. The board also serves as an advisory committee to the chancellor and to the director of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics on financial management, personnel matters, and other operational aspects of the intercollegiate athletics program. The board consists of eighteen members: two faculty representatives to the Big Ten; six other faculty members; four alumni, including the president of the University of Illinois Alumni Association (or designee); the chairman of the Board of Trustees' Committee on Athletic Activities; two students; and three ex-officio members without vote: a designee of the chancellor, the University comptroller (or designee), and the director of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. Terms are staggered so that each year two faculty members, one alumnus, and one student are proposed for membership; the faculty members and the alumnus serve three-year terms, the student members two-year terms. A slate of faculty and student nominees is provided by the Urbana-Champaign campus Senate, and the slate of alumni by the Urbana-Champaign Council of the Alumni Association. The chancellor reviews the list of candidates and forwards his recommendations to the president of the University for action by the Board of Trustees. I recommend approval of these appointments. On motion of Ms. Reese, these appointments were approved. Honorary Degree, Urbana (6) The senate at the Urbana-Champaign campus has recommended that an honorary degree be conferred on the following person at the rededication of the College of Law Building on September 8, 1994: RUTH BADER GINSBURG, Supreme Court Justice — the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.1 The chancellor concurs in the recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this degree was authorized as recommended. Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, Urbana (7) The chancellor at Urbana has recommended the appointment of Richard C. Alkire, currently professor and head, Department of Chemical Engineering, as vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate College, beginning August 21, 1994, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of $142,000. Dr. Alkire will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure on an academic year service basis. Dr. Alkire will succeed Chester S. Gardner who is returning to full-time teaching and research as a faculty member. 1 Justice Ginsburg will serve as the principal speaker at the rededication ceremony. Precedent was established for the conferral of an honorary degree when the Board of Trustees approved at their meeting on February 21, 1956, the conferral of an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws on Chief Justice Earl Warren at the dedication of the new College of Law building, which was held on April 14, 1956.
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