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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1992] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 79 A — Indefinite tenure N — Term appointment not eligible to be appointed for an indefinite term and not credited toward probationary period Q — Initial term appointment for a professor or associate professor T — Terminal appointment accompanied with or preceded by notice of nonreappointment W — One-year appointment subject to special written agreement Y — Twelve-month service basis 1-7 — Indicates the number of years of service which will be credited at the end of the contract period toward completion of the probationary period relating to tenure. Figures following a symbol indicate percentage of time if the appointment is on a part-time basis (e.g., N75 means one year on three-fourths time). Chicago BRAD BLUMENTHAL, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $48,000. GEORGES BORDAGE, professor of medical education, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning September 1, 1992 (AY), at an annual salary of $90,000. JOHN C. DAGGER, assistant professor of kinesiology, beginning September 1, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $30,000. JONATHAN W. DALY, assistant professor of history, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $33,250. LISE A. GUAY-BHATIA, visiting assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, July 1-14, 1992, $4,122, and assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, on 51 percent time, and physician surgeon, on 29 percent time, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning July 15, 1992 (1Y51;NY29), at an annual salary of $106,000. ALLEN C. HARRIS, assistant professor of communication and theater, beginning September 1, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,000. ANNETTE M. HENRY, assistant professor of education, on 60 percent time, and of urban educational research, on 40 percent time, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $39,400. TOM D. IMBO, assistant professor of physics, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $39,000. ANITA H. GOLDMAN, assistant professor of English, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,000. PRASHANT MALAVIYA, assistant professor of marketing, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $58,000. ARLENE G. MILLER, assistant professor of public health nursing, beginning September 1, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,181. NORMA C. MORUZZI, assistant professor of women's studies, on 75 percent time, and of political science, on 25 percent time, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,000. WENDY M. NEHRING, assistant professor of maternal-child nursing, beginning September 1, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $37,000. NICHOLAS K. OPPONG, assistant professor of urban educational research, on 45 percent time, of education, on 30 percent time, and of mathematics, statistics, and computer science, on 25 percent time, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $39,400. PAMELA A. POPIELARZ, assistant professor of sociology, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,000. SUSAN RUBMAN, assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry, on 60 percent time, and clinical psychologist in psychiatry, on 40 percent time, College of Medicine at Peoria, beginning September 1, 1992 (1Y60;NY40), at an annual salary of $45,000.
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