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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

60 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 10 on the Foundation Alumni Constituency Tracking System (FACTS) and management services of the activities of the Alumni Career Center. The Association will publish six editions of Illinois Quarterly, an alumni magazine, which will be distributed to alumni. The Association will provide support to University field activities such as meetings of alumni groups and off-campus communications with alumni. To partially support the costs of the services described, the agreement provides for payment by the University of an amount not to exceed $55,000' for FY 1993. Payments will be made during the course of the year based upon actual costs incurred. The University will continue to provide support through the University's Office of Alumni Relations and Alumni Career Center for the maintenance of alumni support functions. The level of support for FY 1993 will be approximately $902,000. 2 The agreement also provides for the Association's use of FACTS to maintain membership records and for access to and joint ownership of such records. Ownership of the periodicals resides with the Association. Foundation Under the agreement, the Foundation will provide fund-raising services and other assistance to attract private gift funds to support University programs. The Foundation agrees to accept and administer such gifts according to terms specified by the donor, to inform the University of all gifts received for the benefit of the University, and to apply the same in accord with the terms of the gift or, as in the case of all undesignated gifts, as the University may determine. The Foundation also will provide management and supervisory services for the maintenance of donor records on the Foundation Alumni Constituency Tracking System (FACTS). The Foundation assesses a management fee to Foundation gift accounts as a means to support some of its private gift fund-raising operations. To partially support the annual operating costs of the program and services described, the agreement provides for the payment by the University of an amount not to exceed $1,490,600 3 for FY 1993. Payments will be made during the course of the year based upon actual costs incurred. In addition, the University will continue to provide support through the Office of Development for the maintenance of donor records and other fund-raising support functions. For FY 1993, the level of support will approximate $2,084,565. 4 Certain routine business and financial services will be provided to the Foundation as needed. The agreement also provides the Foundation with access to the University's FACTS for the purpose of conducting fund-raising activities. Institutional funds, generated from a management fee assessed to University gift accounts, and State appropriated funds are available to support these agreements for FY 1993. The vice president for business and finance has recommended execution of the agreements as described. I concur. On motion of Mr. Boyle, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Mr. Downey, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Governor Edgar, Mrs. Shepherd. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) 1 2 3 4 The The The The contract contract contract contract amount amount amount amount for for for for FY FY FY FY 1992 1992 1992 1992 was was was was $55,000. $845,000. $1,482,000. $1,902,100.
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