Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 549 a major transition. After an appropriate leave from the University, I hope to resume a career as a student of higher education. For the past 25 years at Illinois and earlier at Penn State, I have served as a practitioner in the management of large, complex organizations and in the integration of the worlds of academic life and public policy. My hope is that the years ahead will provide an opportunity to synthesize and share some of what I may have learned. In addition, over the years I have been actively engaged in a broad range of education issues on the national level. While I expect those demands to diminish, I also look forward to continuing to contribute in areas of special importance and personal interest. Because of its importance, I must also note that the University is near the public launch of the most significant campaign in our history to develop increased private support. It is crucial to the University's future that this crusade succeed. Judy and I pledge our energies to the successful completion of that effort. I hope announcement of these plans at this time will be helpful to the Board and the University community. We must use the time available to us wisely and productively. To all who have so generously placed their confidence in me, I am truly grateful. I thank you for all you have generously given to the University for so many years. I pledge to you that I will continue to do all in my power to merit your trust and to advance what I believe to be one of the finest universities in America. Sincerely, Stanley O. Ikenberry, President Mrs. Gravenhorst then spoke to President Ikenberry's leadership and the fact that he was always available to the trustees for advice and counsel. She thanked him and Mrs. Ikenberry for their hospitality and graciousness all through the last 15 years. She then urged all present to express their personal appreciation to President and Mrs. Ikenberry. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Bazzani reported that he and others within the University were continuing to work with representatives of the Amvets organization to develop a teaching nursing home near the Chicago campus. He described certain problems associated with a land lease and building ownership. He stressed that the teaching programs to be assisted by working with this proposed nursing home are the most important issue for the University but that some of the business related issues also involve the University. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Boyle asked that the record show that he had asked the president and the secretary to prepare a proposed procedure for searching for a president of the University. He asked that this include a process for selecting a consultative committee. He also asked that this be presented at the board's meeting in July 1994, for discussion by the board. Ms. Reese then introduced Mr. Louis Liay, executive director of the Alumni Association. Mr. Liay then presented a report on the activities of the Alumni Association for the past year. Following this, Ms. Reese introduced Mr. and Mrs. Roger Plummer. Mr. Plummer is the presidentelect of the Alumni Association.