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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

384 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 12 BOARD MEETING, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 19931 When the board reconvened at 8:45 a.m., the members of the board, officers of the board, and officers of the University as recorded at the beginning of these minutes were present, with the addition of Dr. James J. Stukel, chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.2 Report from Chicago Senate The president then asked Professor Gene W. Ruoff, secretary of the Chicago Senate, to report on activities over the past year. Professor Ruoff reported that discussions on the Illinois Board of Higher Education's Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (PQP) initiative had occupied much of the senate's discussions for the past year. He stated that the senate at Chicago was pleased with the new "focus" statement for the campus that had been prepared in the previous year for the response to the IBHE on PQP. He also stated that the senate continues to review gains in attaining greater diversity on campus. Further, he noted that a review of priorities for the campus continues. Related to this he stated that he was quite pleased with new means for improving communication with faculty and students that had emerged from discussions of campus priorities. Professor Ruoff also told the trustees of efforts to work with other State universities and with the Committee on Interinstitutional Cooperation to understand better the issues faced by institutions of higher education in the Midwest. He concluded by saying that he hoped that the senate would be the forum for a general discussion of the "Great Cities Initiative" introduced by Chancellor Stukel a few months earlier. President's Report President Ikenberry reported on a meeting with representatives of the Illinois Board of Higher Education held earlier in the week. He stated 1 On Friday, November 12, 1993, at 8:45 a.m., the Committee on the University Hospital met and received a report from Dr. Dieter Haussmann, vice chancellor for health services, who reviewed the status of the health care environment locally and nationally for the board members. He also summarized options for academic health centers in the near future, with an eye to defining possible roles for the University Hospital and Clinics. In addition, the Committee on Academic Affairs received a report from Chancellor Stukel on the Quality Advancement Program underway at the Chicago campus. Chancellor Stukel introduced Dr. Robert Winter, program director, who described the program in detail, involving others as well. 2 University Senates Conference: Edward A. Lichter, professor of medicine and physician surgeon, College of Medicine at Chicago; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Terry Weech, associate professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science; Chicago campus Senate: David Bardack, professor of biological sciences.
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