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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

382 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 12 director, University Office of Public Affairs; Mr. Kirk Hard, executive assistant to the president of the University; and Mr. R. C. Wicklund, associate secretary. (Dr. David C. Broski, vice chancellor for academic affairs, Chicago campus, attended the meeting for Chancellor James J. Stukel.) EXECUTIVE SESSION1 President Calder, referring to Section Two of the Open Meetings Act, stated: "A motion is now in order to hold an executive session to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of employees or officers, to discuss pending, probable, or imminent litigation, the acquisition of real property, to discuss campus security, and to receive legal advice from counsel/' The motion was made by Mrs. Gravenhorst and approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Ms. Huff, Mr. Riley; no, none.) Disclosure of Executive Session Actions Under Open Meetings Act (1) Under an amendment to the Open Meetings Act passed by the General Assembly, effective July 1, 1989, public bodies subject to the Act which conduct business under exemptions specified in the Act must, at least every six months, determine whether the need for confidentiality still exists with respect to each item considered under such exemption. A biennial volume of board proceedings has been published since the previous report, in effect releasing the minutes of executive sessions through June 1992. Unreleased items from July 1992 through July 1993 are marked in the attachment to indicate which items considered in executive session are recommended for continuing confidential status, e.g., pending litigation in February and May of 1993. None of these has yet been resolved. (Attached materials are filed with the secretary of the board for record.) The university counsel and the secretary of the board, having consulted with appropriate University officers, recommend that the indicated items retain confidential status at this time and that the president of the University be authorized to release those items when appropriate. It is further recommended that all other matters considered in executive session for the period be made available to the public. I concur. By consensus, the trustees approved of this recommendation as submitted, formal action to be taken subsequently when the board convenes in open meeting. Personnel Issues, Chicago President Ikenberry asked Vice Chancellor Broski to inform the members of the board of the status of searches for major administrative 1 Prior to the executive session, meetings of the following committees were held: Buildings and Grounds, Finance and Audit, and Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity.
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