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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

324 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 9 Recision of Recommendation; and Employment of Architect/Engineer, Capital Development Board Projects, Chicago (35) On November 14, 1991, the Board of Trustees approved a request to the Capital Development Board to employ John Victor Frega Associates, Ltd., Chicago, for the professional services required for a $484,400 remodeling project for a research lab in the College of Medicine at the Chicago campus. Due to a delay in the release of funds for the project, the Chicago campus funded another project on the same floor of the building which encompassed the original $484,400 remodeling project. In March 1993, the board approved the employment of John Victor Frega Associates, Ltd., Chicago, for a $1,431,000 project to remodel the sixth floor in the College of Medicine (not a Capital Development Board project); and contracts for construction of the project are being presented for approval at the July 9, 1993, meeting of the Board of Trustees. Thus, the original project is no longer necessary. The original $484,400 in State appropriated funds are now available to the University. The College of Medicine has requested that an architect/engineer be employed to provide the professional services required for two remodeling projects in the College of Medicine. Accordingly, the president of the University, with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative officers, recommends recision of the board's action of November 14, 1991, concerning the employment of John Victor Frega Associates, Ltd., Chicago, for the remodeling project referenced in the November 14, 1991, action; and further recommends that the Capital Development Board be requested to employ the firm of Mekus/Johnson, Chicago, for the following projects (to be funded with the $484,400): Project Remodel lobby entrance, College of Medicine West Lecture Room renovation, Qollege of Medicine West Project Budget $200 000 284 400 The professional fee for the firm employed will be negotiated by the Capital Development Board in accordance with its procedures. Funds for the projects have been re-appropriated to the Capital Development Board. (Originally appropriated from Build Illinois funds in Fiscal Year 1991.) On motion of Ms. Reese, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mrs. Calder, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Mr. Boyle, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Ms. Huff, Mr. Riley; no, none.) Supplemental Funding, Pharmacodynamics Research Facility, Chicago (Contract with Capital Development Board) (36) In 1989, the Board of Trustees requested the Capital Development Board to employ an engineer (EME, Inc., Lombard) for the Pharmacodynamics Research Facility in the Pharmacy Building at the Chicago campus. The Chicago Building Code requires the use of glass, acid-resistant waste piping from the laboratory sinks. The supplemental funds now required to complete this work are $36,000. The Capital Development Board has no funds available for the additional work and has asked the University to finance it. A State statute provides that the Capital Development Board and the University may contract with each other and other parties on the design and construction of any project to be constructed on University property.
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