Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 313 performance, the director shall not be a member and the Committee shall be chaired by a Committee member elected by the Committee for that purpose. (4) Departments within a school shall be governed as specified in Article IV. Other subunits shall be governed by regulations set forth in the school bylaws. (5) Executive officers of departments or subunits of a school shall be evaluated in a manner to be determined by the faculty of the school and college. (6) An intermediate unit within a college, such as an institute, center, hospital, or laboratory in which academic staff appointments are made in accordance with Article X, Section 1, shall be governed as stated in the bylaws of the college, a department as specified in Article IV. Other intermediate units within a college shall be governed as stated in the bylaws of the college. On motion of Ms. Reese, these amendments were approved. (Ms. Lopez asked to be recorded as not voting on this item.) By consensus, the board agreed that one roll call vote would be taken and considered the vote on each agenda item nos. 19 through 41 inclusive. The recommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one time. (The record of board action appears at the end of each item.) Contract for Laundry Services, University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics, Chicago (19) The chancellor at Chicago recommends contracting with Chapman Laundry Service Corporation1 to provide laundry services to the University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics (UIH&C) for the period July 1, 1993, to June 30, 1994. This service will replace the internal laundry unit of UIH&C at an annual savings of approximately $400,000. This action to contract for services was recommended through the Operations Improvement process. Chapman will make two deliveries and pick-ups per day, six days per week. Specific schedules for the delivery of clean linen and removal of soiled linen to four identified locations will be adhered to as indicated by UIH&C. Chapman will be responsible for sanitizing all linen carts at their facility prior to returning them to UIH&C and the routine maintenance of the linen carts. The contract also includes the processing of lab coats and mops for Housekeeping Services. New linen inventory ordered by UIH&C will also be received, stamped (with University identification), and stored by Chapman. The University has the option to renew the contract for four additional oneyear periods. Prices for the renewal periods will not exceed changes in the Department of Labor Consumer Price Index. It is recommended that the comptroller be authorized to renew the contract in the option years. Contract renewals will be reviewed with the board in the option years. The annual payments for the first year are based on $.27 for one pound of laundry. It is estimated that 1.9 million pounds of laundry are processed annually which results in an estimated cost in the first year of $513,000. The actual expenditures may vary based upon actual number of pounds laundered. The vice president for business and finance recommends approval. I concur. Prior to voting, there was lengthy discussion and several votes related to this item. Dr. Bacon told the board that on two visits to the Hospital Laundry she was struck by the working conditions and concluded that change was called for and that employment opportunities 1 Lowest respondent of the six bids received according to the University Sealed Bid process.