Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 197 Chicago Campus Proposed Annual Tuition FY 1994 Resident Rates FY 1993 Lower Division Upper Division Graduate Dentistry Medicine Pharmacy Doctorate Continuing Pharmacy Doctorate $2 262 2 3 4 6 520 018 304 190 rease 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed, FY 1994 $2 262 2 3 4 6 520 018 304 190 Nonresident Rates Proposed, FY 1994 Increase FY 1993 % 6 456 7 8 12 18 230 520 378 036 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 6 456 7 8 12 18 230 520 378 036 2 520 3 362 2 520 7 230 7 230 0 3 362 9 552 0 9 552 Urbana-Champaign Campus Proposed Annual Tuition FY 1994 Resident Rates FY 1993 Lower Division Upper Division Graduate Veterinary Medicine Law $2 486 2 746 3 126 5 550 4 166 Increase 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed, FY 1994 $2 486 2 746 3 126 5 550 4 166 Nonresident Rates Proposed, FY 1994 FY 1993 Increase $ 6 738 7 518 8 658 15 930 11 778 0 0 0 0 0 $ 6 738 7 518 8 658 15 930 11 778 On motion of Ms. Reese, these recommendations were approved. (Ms. Lopez asked to be recorded as voting "no" on this item.) Increase Student Fees for Chicago and Urbana Campuses (13) The chancellors at each campus have recommended student fee levels for Fiscal Year 1994 to support auxiliary operations, student programs and activities, student health services, and the student health insurance programs. The fees recommended are required to meet: continuing components (salaries and wages, utilities, and goods and services, including food), student programs, and operating costs including debt service and repair and replacement programs of facilities which comprise the Auxiliary Facilities Systems. Chicago Campus At Chicago, the $15 increase, or 3.9 percent, in the service, health, and general fees provides student fee support to meet general cost increases, continues the FY 1988 policy for all students to share in the fixed costs of maintaining fee-supported