Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 185 to the item in the agenda for the open meeting later in the day regarding the recommendation for appointment of an interim vice chancellor for research for a two-year period. The chancellor explained that he planned to reopen the search for this position and that he anticipated that this process would take approximately two years. Second, he noted that the search for a vice chancellor for health services was continuing. Third, Dr. Stukel told the trustees that the search committee for a director of the University Hospital had enlisted the help of an executive search firm to aid them. Fourth, he indicated that the search for a vice chancellor for human resources and administration had progressed substantially and that he expected a list of finalists by the middle of April 1993. Other searches underway for which a report was made included associate chancellor for affirmative action; dean, College of Associated Health Professions; and dean, School of Public Health. In addition, Chancellor Stukel was asked to discuss a recent article in the student newspaper concerning a staff member in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The chancellor explained that this staff member had been removed from that office and assigned to another because the vice chancellor and Dr. Stukel thought that the staff member had exhibited poor judgment and ought not remain in such a central office. Report from the Chancellor at Urbana Dr. Theodore L. Brown, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, reported for Chancellor Weir, who was absent. He told the board members that the search committee had reported and that negotiations with one candidate for dean of the College of Law were in process. Next, he reported that the search for a vice chancellor for academic affairs was going well and that it might be possible to initiate interviews with candidates in April 1993. Discussion Regarding Administrative Salaries Somewhat related to the above reports and following them, the trustees briefly discussed general guidelines for establishing salaries for administrators and asked about the current policy regarding establishing an administrative salary for those who also hold faculty appointments. Report on Labor Union Negotiations Vice President Bazzani reported on negotiations with the Illinois Nurses Association for those nurses employed at the University Hospital. One problem for the union in these discussions is the proposed staff reductions that are recommended as a part of the Operations Improvement program at the University Hospital. Next, Dr Bazzani discussed the status of negotiations with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) at Urbana. Principally this cen-