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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

184 B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S [March 26 (Dr. Morton W. Weir, chancellor, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, was absent and was represented by Dr. Theodore L. Brown, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, Urbana-Champaign campus.) EXECUTIVE SESSION1 President Calder, referring to Section Two of the Open Meetings Act, stated: "A motion is now in order to hold an executive session to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of employees or officers, to discuss pending, probable, or imminent litigation, the acquisition of real property, to discuss campus security, and to receive legal advice from counsel." The motion was made by Mrs. Gravenhorst and approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) Report from Legal Counsel, Settlement of Litigation Mr. Higgins reported on a recommendation for settlement of Hagl v. Deutsch, et al. in the amount of $175,000. He indicated that the plaintiff alleged that during performance of a right stapedectomy, plaintiff's right facial nerve was compromised, resulting in facial paralysis. The primary defense was that although some areas of care may be subject to criticism, they were defensible issues of judgment and not issues concerning the standard of care. By consensus, the members of the board agreed to vote on this item in the open session of the meeting later that day. Pending Litigation Mr. Higgins further reported to the board that a case involving an infant born in 1986 with brachioplexus palsy, as a result of complications in delivery, would probably go to court before the next meeting of the board. He also indicated that a settlement of perhaps several hundred thousand dollars might be proposed. This notice was for information only at this time. Report from the Chancellor at Chicago Dr. Stukel reported on the progress of searches for major administrative positions at the Chicago campus. First, he called the trustees' attention 1 On the previous day, Thursday, March 25, the Committee on Academic Affairs met. The purpose of this meeting was to conduct visits to various colleges and units of the UrbanaChampaign campus to observe teaching, research activities and to speak with faculty and students. Several units on the campus were visited by one or more trustees.
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