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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1992] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 115 Associates, Inc., Champaign, be employed for the professional services required for program verification/schematic design phase through the construction phase of the project. The firm's fee through the construction administration phase will be a fixed fee of $60,000; the firm's fee for construction on-site observation services will be on an hourly basis, estimated to be $18,700, plus authorized reimbursements estimated to be $5,500. Funds are available for the project from a grant from the National Science Foundation, from institutional funds, and from private gift funds of the Urbana campus. On motion of Mrs. Gravenhorst, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Downey, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Reese, Mrs. Shepherd; no, none; absent, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) Employment of Architect/Engineer, Engineering Quadrangle, Urbana (13) In accordance with the North Campus Master Plan and under the provisions of a gift agreement, the planning and construction process for the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center at the Urbana campus was initiated in July 1991. This was the first phase of a four-phase project. The second phase is the demolition of certain adjacent buildings and the abandonment and/or relocation of appropriate utilities in order that an Engineering Quadrangle can be developed as proposed in Phase III of the Master Plan. The firm of Henneman, Raufeisen and Associates, Inc., Champaign, has provided the mechanical and electrical engineering work for the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center (Phase I). The firm has the required expertise and experience of the preliminary work associated with the Phase II project. Accordingly, the president of the University, with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the firm of Henneman, Raufeisen and Associates, Inc., Champaign, be employed for the professional services required through construction. The firm's fee for the program analysis through the bidding phases of this project will be fixed at $210,700, plus authorized reimbursements estimated to be $40,000. The firm's fee for the architectural/engineering contract administrative services required during the construction phase will be a fixed fee of $51,300. The required on-site observation fee calculated on an hourly basis is estimated at $77,760; authorized reimbursements are estimated to be $37,200. Funds are available from State Capital Development Board funds appropriated to the University. On motion of Mrs. Gravenhorst, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Reese, Mrs. Shepherd; no, none; absent, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Governor Edgar. (Mr. Downey asked to be recorded as not voting on this item.) (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.)
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