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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1992] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 109 MARY L. SCHMIDT, assistant professor of pediatrics, on 79 percent time, and physician surgeon, on 21 percent time, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning October 1, 1992 (1Y79;NY21), at an annual salary of $70,000. Urbana-Champaign VARKKI GEORGE, assistant professor of urban and regional planning, beginning September 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $35,000. JOHN J. LIE, assistant professor of sociology, beginning August 21, 1992 (1), at an annual salary of $40,500. GERD U. NIENHAUS, assistant professor of physics, beginning August 21, 1992 (2), at an annual salary of $48,020. PAMELA M. POTTER, assistant professor of music, beginning August 21, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $31,400. JOSEP TORRELLAS, senior software engineer in the Center for Supercomputing Research and Development (N), and assistant professor of computer science (1), beginning September 8, 1992, at an annual salary of $46,000. ANDRZEJ J. WROBLEWSKI, professor of art and design and program chair, School of Art and Design, beginning August 21, 1992 (A;N), at an annual salary of $45,250. On motion of Dr. Bacon, these appointments were confirmed. Establish the Center for Children's Books, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Urbana (4) The Center for Children's Books was established 31 years ago at the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago with a primary focus on dissemination of critical information about children's and young adult literature through publication of its Bulletin (a monthly journal of critical reviews). It also sponsors the Zena Sutherland lectureship, which is endowed. The center is funded entirely through the proceeds from its publications, a small endowment, and grants and contracts. The center and the Bulletin have great prestige not only in the field of library and information science, but also in education and literary criticism. The Zena Sutherland lectureship is known internationally and the center can be expected to attract visitors from the United States and abroad. When the Graduate Library School at the University of Chicago closed, an appropriate site for relocation of the center was sought. Upon the advice of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the Urbana campus and the Urbana-Champaign Senate, the chancellor at Urbana now recommends the establishment of the center as a unit of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. The collection itself has been catalogued in depth by the editors who reviewed the books, with indexes to author, title, subject, developmental values, curriculum uses, type of literature, appeal, and age level. This will be of great value for masters and doctoral students researching contemporary literature, from books on minority groups that settled in the United States to translated books that reflect international experiences of childhood. No additional staff or other resources are required in order to transfer and operate the center at Urbana. A faculty member who will be hired from the University of Chicago will be based in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science in the area of children's and young adult services, replacing a member of that faculty who recently left the University. The vice president for academic affairs concurs with this recommendation. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. On motion of Dr. Bacon, this recommendation was approved.
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