UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990 [PAGE 645]

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Tennis facility, cont'd asphalt paving, 27 electrical work, 27 engineering services, 27 fire protection work, 27 general work, 26 increase, 331 heating work, 26 piping work, 26 plumbing work, 26 increase, 100 refrigeration work, 26 temperature control work, 26 tennis court surfacing, 27 ventilation work, 26 See also Atkins Tennis Center (Urbana) Tenofsky, D. G., appointment, 13 Teplitskaia, H., appointment, 151 Tepper, L. A., appointment, 437 Terry, C. T , appointment, 13 Thoele, D. G., appointment, 58 Thomas, H., appointment, 351, 535 undergraduate instructional award, 231 Thompson, J. R., tribute in appreciation of services, 118 Thompson, M. M., appointment, 6, 41 elected secretary of board, 172, 432 member of select committee, 478 Thresholds Rehabilitation, Inc., contract, 130, 295, 549 Tiber Group, contract, 303 renewed, 444 Tile Specialists, Inc., contract, 553 Tinianow, J. R, appointment, 178 Tipei, S., member of Center for Advanced Study, 153 Titus, T , member of advisory committee, 9 Todd, R. K., appointment, 4 3 / Tolliver, J. L., appointment, 384 Tondeur, R, member of Center for Advanced Study, 153 Torres, D. L., appointment, 178 Tortorelli, D. A., appointment, 92 Townsend-McCray, D., litigation, settlement, 587 Tozer, S. E., appointment, 53 Trach, I. S., appointment, 538 Tracy, P. T , appointment, 58 Train, Jack, Associates, Inc., contract, 271 Transcript fee, Chicago campus, increase, 544 Urbana, increase, 544 Transfer credit, Chicago campus, master's degree programs, policy revised, 19 Treasurer of board, authority to receive moneys, bond, amount, 172 receipt, 210, election, 172 Treat Brothers Company, contract, 364, 554 Tri-R Development Company, contract, 99, 292, 492 Tribute, appreciation of services, Forbes, S., 280 Hahn, R. C , 141 Hendrix, V. J., 273 Kelly, D. O., 280 McDonough, L. P., 146 Selin, M., 6 Thompson, J. R., 118 memorial, Bardeen, J., 174 Grange, H., 174 Porter, E. W., 109 Wolff, C. P., 403 Troy, P. A., undergraduate instructional award, 510 Troyer Group, contract, 72, 99 increase, 581 Trustees' Distinguished Service Medallion, recipient, 43 Tsika, R. W., appointment, 58, 571 Tsin, M. T. W., appointment, 122 Tucker, R. R., appointment, 385 Tuition, all campuses, graduate students, increases, approved, 233, 541 increases, approved, 233, 541


Tuition, cont'd increases for 1991-92, report, 197 increases for 1992-93 academic year, report, 481, 505 president's report, 434 undergraduate students, increases, approved, 2 & , 541 waivers for child of employee program, 436 increase for instructional equipment, committee to review, report, 407 student referendum, report, 406 public universities, discussions of legislative committee, 109 University Center, Engineering, College of, differential established, 543 Urbana, Accountancy, International Program in, increase, 238 Engineering, College of, differential established, 543 engineering curricula, differential established, 8 543 8 Executive Master of Business Administration, increase, 237, 539 extramural courses, differential rates, approved, 234 increases, approved, 234, 540 intersession, increases, approved, 235 rate structure, revised, 235 Policy Economics, Program in, increase, 237, 539 . . summer session, increases, approved, 235 rate structure, revised, 235 waivers, nonacademic retirees, 467 Tunnel Electric Construction, withdrawal of bid, 446 Turnbull, T., appointment, 151 Turner Construction Company, contract, 219, 252 Turner Hall (Urbana), contract, remodeling, 75 Turney litigation, report, 503 Turnock, B. J., appointment, 58 Tyner, A. L., appointment, 151 UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching (Chicago campus), 283, 572 U.S. Air Express, See Jetstream International Undergraduate instructional awards, Health Sciences Center, 284, 509 University Center, 284, 509 Urbana, 231, 486 Undergraduate library (Urbana), contract, plaza deck replacement, 419 Underserved Areas, Committee on, report on activities, 315 Unger, J. S., appointment, 356 Union, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), election (Urbana), 376 negotiations, 430 organization of nonacademic employees (Urbana), report, 314 Illinois Nurses Association, contract with University, 401 negotiations with University, 376 University Asphalt Company, contract, 522 University Center, academic staff, promotions, 14, 320 application fee, increase, 234 contract, elevator renovation, 102 fire alarm replacement, 102 lighting fixture services, 294, 550 security system upgrade, 102 cost-plus contract, minor building alterations, repairs, and new construction, electrical work, 294, 550 general work, 293, 550 mechanical insulation, 294 mechanical work, 294, 550 plumbing work, 293, 550 roofing work, 294 ventilation work, 294, 550 degree, Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies, established, 123