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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1990] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 45 the Persian Gulf and the threat this poses to traditional sources of energy. H e mentioned two alternative sources, fuel from coal and solar collection and storage, as sources to be explored. Mr. H a h n then offered the following motion: T h e administration be directed to study the feasibility of developing, sponsoring, and directing a multi-department, multi-campus, and multi-institution comprehensive research program. T h e objective of this is to discover economically feasible and environmentally clean alternatives to oil. A part of this study is to include a review of energy conservation technology, particularly that which might improve the economy of Illinois, and to identify Federal, State, and private financial support for these efforts. T h e motion was approved. Request to Appear, American Indian Groups Mr. Wolff spoke to the board on this topic, saying that the board has always reserved to itself the decision of when and from whom it would hear presentations. H e announced that the board had requests from two American Indian groups to make a presentation on the subject of Chief Illiniwek. Mr. Wolff then asked the board members to consider the following options: (1) Does the board wish to hear a presentation on this subject? (2) If so, when should such a presentation be made? (3) If so, by whom should such be presented? T h e r e was considerable discussion on each of these t h r e e points. T h e board members decided that they did wish to hear from concerned parties on this topic. T h e board meetings in October and November 1990, and J a n u a r y 1991 were all considered as possible times for this presentation. T h e r e was general agreement that the selection of speakers ought to be the task of the University administration. Mr. H a h n moved that a presentation on Chief Illiniwek be scheduled for the October meeting of the board in Urbana. Mr. Forbes offered the a m e n d m e n t to change the time of the presentation to the January 1991 meeting of the board in Urbana. T h e motion as amended failed. Mr. H a h n ' s original motion was then voted on and passed. REGULAR AGENDA T h e b o a r d considered the following reports and recommendations from the president of the University. Continuation of Interim Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1991 (Academic Personnel Budget, 1990-1991) (2) In June 1990, the Board of Trustees approved the continuation of the FY 1990 budget into FY 1991 until such time as the University appropriation process was completed and could be translated into detailed budget recommendations. Due to the delay in final action on the appropriation, such recommendations could not be completed for presentation at this meeting of the board. However, recommendations for academic and administrative appointments (be-
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