UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990 [PAGE 224]

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[March 14

is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois for use as a part of the University of Illinois-Willard Airport in order to lengthen runway 4 L / 2 2 R and to provide a clear zone approach area for the University of Illinois-Willard Airport and for other educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds are available to the University for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; and this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owners have refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, for such price and continue to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby, Further Resolved, Found, and Declared that the Vice President for Business and Finance or his designee of the University of Illinois be and hereby is authorized to continue negotiations for the purchase of said land for and on behalf of the University of Illinois with the owners of the real estate described above and for the purchase of all or part thereof by the University; and Be It, and It Is Hereby, Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that if the compensation to be paid by it for all or part of said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said property owners for the sale and conveyance of all or part of said land by said owners thereof to said Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; that Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby, Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for all or part of such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take all or part of said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title, or interest in and to all or part of said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby, Further Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of said title to all or part of said property by said Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the University Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of all or part of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding.