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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990 [PAGE 172]

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[January 11

said South line of the said Quarter Quarter Section; thence Southeast 261.47 feet to a point of beginning, said area containing 20,795.06 square feet, more or less; (3 poles, 1 downguy, 1 anchor, and wire overhang.) Subject to the rights of the public in and to the right-of-way of Windsor Road. O n motion of Mr. Boyle, t h e foregoing resolution was a d o p t e d by t h e following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Ms. Reese, Mrs. S h e p h e r d , Mr. WolfF; n o , n o n e ; absent, Mr. H a h n , G o v e r n o r T m o m p s o n . ( T h e student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Forbes; absent, Ms. Kelly.) Lease of Space, Prevention Research Center, Chicago (13) T h e interim chancellor at Chicago has recommended amending the University contract with LaSalle National Trust, N.A., as successor to LaSalle National Bank, and as trustee of the 850 West Jackson Building, to lease an additional 2,975 square feet of space for the Prevention Research Center contiguous to its current space on the fourth floor of the building. T h e center currently leases 8,730 square feet in the building. T h e Prevention Research Center was founded in 1987 to conduct, stimulate, and support multidisciplinary research on health promotion and the primary prevention of major causes of morbidity. In addition to its past grant funding, which totaled $1,075,000 in 1989, the center recently has received, among others, a fouryear etiology grant from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) totaling over $2,000,000. Also, the Centers for Disease Control has named the UIC Center as a midwest site with funding in the amount of $850,000 over a three-year period. T h e additional leased space would provide offices for researchers and administrators at the center for an initial period from January 11, 1991 (or, upon occupancy, if later) to November 30, 1991, and is renewable annually through November 30, 1996. T h e University has the option to cancel the lease at the end of each renewal period. T h e first-year lease costs for the additional space of $46,466.28 (at a unit cost of $15.62 per square foot) includes janitorial service, common area operating expense, and real estate tax contribution. Heat and electricity are the responsibilities of the lessee. In subsequent years, the unit cost increases to a maximum of $16.45 per square foot, plus a prorated share of any increase in common area operating expenses and real estate tax contributions. T h e landlord will remodel the space to its building standard to the specifications of the University. Funds for the additional leased space are available in the institutional funds budget of the Chicago campus. T h e vice president for business and finance recommends approval. I concur. O n motion of Mr. Boyle, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n was approved by t h e following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Ms. Reese, Mrs. S h e p h e r d , Mr. Wolff; no, n o n e ; absent, Mr. H a h n , G o v e r n o r T h o m p s o n . ( T h e student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Forbes; absent, Ms. Kelly.) Purchases (14) T h e president submitted, with his concurrence, a list of purchases recommended by the directors of purchases and the vice president for business and finance; also purchases authorized by the president. T h e purchases were presented in two categories: purchases from appropriated