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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Whitcomb, Adah, appointment, 193 White, Adeline R., appointment, n j ; White, Howard, appointment, 40, 230 White, H. B., degree, 272 White, J. M., appointment, 32, 47, 222, 236 attended meeting, 172,, 200. 257 letter, Agricultural Building, 89 White, Jeanne W., degree, 268 White, W. L., degree, 265 Whitford, N . M., degree, 265 Whiting, A. L., appointment, 55 Whitlock, Mary C., appointment, 59, 247 Whittington, R. S., degree, 270 Widmeyer, Blanche.^ appointment, 65, 251 Wien, M . S., appointment, 179 Wierda, John, appointment, 36, 166, 225 Wilder, C. L., degree, 105 Wildeman, H. H., commission, 282 degree, 268 Wildman, E. A., degree, 277 Wiles, Thelma, appointment, 28, 218 Wiley, C. C , appointment, 48, 237 Wilke, C. A., degree, 157 Wilkerson, Mabel, appointment, 115 Wilkinson, Julia, appointment, 30, 220 Will of Mrs. Gregory, 122 Willard, A. C , appointment, 49. 238 Willeford, Ruth M., degree, 265 Williams and Vashti College, 153. »74 gift declined, 185 Williams, Anna B., degree, 265 Williams, C. A., appointment, 38, 192, 228 Williams, C. C , appointment, 171, 237 Williams, E. H., appointment, 51, 194, 240 Williams, L. W. f appointment, 44, 45, 192, 234» 235 Williams, Ruth A., degree, 274 Williams, W. I., appointment, 69, 255 Williamson, C. S., appointment, 108 Willis, H. W., degree, 279 Willis, W. A., degree, 266 Willy, J. K., degree, 268 Wilner, E. C , degree, 155 Wilson, A. S., degree, 269 Wilson, E. M., degree, 275 Wilson, F. S., appointment, 108 Wilson, H. T., degree, 272 Wilson, P. R., degree, 266 Wilson, T. A., appointment, 35 fellowship, 195 Wilson, W. C , degree, 277 Wilson, W. D., degree, 269 Wilson, W. M., appointment, 51, 241 Wimer, D . C , appointment, 55, 243 Windsor, P. L., appointment, 29, 62, 220, 248 Windt, P. G., degree, 270 Wine, Frances E., degree, 263 Winn, Marian G., degree, 265 Winsborough, C. S., degree, 272 Winter, F. L., degree, 272 honors, 281 Winter, H., appointment, 84 Winters, F. J., appointment, 45, 64, 193 Wisch, L. J., degree, 279 Wise, Dr. C. D., bill, 167 Wise, J. D . , appointment, 100, 239 Witte, P. F., prize, 281 Wittelle, F. M., appointment, 109 Witters, J. E., appointment, 179 Wittick, H. A., degree, 268 Wittman, R. A., degree, 270 Witwer, F. M., degree, 267 Wolcott, F. M., degree, 267 Wolcott, Katherine M., degree, 266 Wold, I. E., appointment, 211, 233 Wold, L. A., degree, 265 Wolfe, C. D . , degree, 280 Wolfe, Helen A., degree, 265 Wolff, S. S., degree, 270 Wolkoff, M . I., appointment, 55, 243 Wolter, H. F., appointment, 61 Woman's Building, appropriation for improvements, 285 changes, 257 Woman's Club, heat connection, 136 Woman's Dormitory, additional petition for, 185 Woman's League, loan fund, gift, 282 Woman's loan fund, Pharmacy, 5 Woman's Residence Hall remodeling and equipment, 123 report, 14 reserved for Illinois women, 208 salaries, 71 Women, Dean of expense, 215 salaries, 218 Wong, B. K., degree, 279 Wood, Annetta L., degree, 265 Wood, Mrs. H. M., appointment, 166, 229 Wood, P. W., degree, 106 Wood, W. S., appointment, 127 degree, 278 Wood Street property, improvements, 16 Woodard, John, appointment, 224 Woodbridge, D . W., degree, 265 Woodruff, Harry, appointment, n o Woodruff, Helen B., degree, 265 Woodroofe, Louise M., appointment, 47, 237 Woods, Lucy, degree, 265 Woods, Sara L., degree, 273 Woodward, John, appointment, 55 Woodworth, C. M., appointment, 55, 243 Woolbert, C. !H., appointment, 37, 226 Woolley, R. B., degree, 268 Woolfolk, C. M., appointment, 99 Worsham, W. B., appointment, 51 degree, 274 Worthington, F. L., degree, 106 Woulfe, H. B., degree, 268 Wright, A. D., appointment, 49, 239 Wright, George E., ^appointment, 32, 222 Wright, Ivan, appointment, 42, 233 Wright, June, appointment, 27, 218 Wright, J. F., appointment, 29, 219, 227 Wright, L. A., degree, 279 Wuesteman, A. E., degree, 270 Wylie, C. C , appointment, 33, 223 degree, 277 .. Wyninger, H. T., appointment, 51, 240 Wood, Mrs. H. M., appointment, 166, 227 Yale, C. E., degree, 272 Yapp, W. W., appointment, 57, 245 Yarros, R. S., appointment, 109 Yates, A. L., appointment, 36 Yates, H. N . , degree, 267 Yates property, purchase, 184 Yea ton, W. J., appointment, 38, 228 Yerger, C. F., appointment, i n Y. M . C. A., see Illini Hall heat service, 286 Yntema, T . O., degree, 274 fellowship, 195 Yockey, J. C , degree, 278 Yohya, M. A., degree, 278 Yonker, William, appointment, 179 degree, 279 Young, Arthur and Company, audit report, 210 Young, Ethel, appointment, 27 Young, E. V., degree, 278 Young, F. G., appointment, 115 Young, P. A., appointment, 34, 224 Young, P. T., appointment, 12, 40, 230 Young, W. H., appointment 54, 243
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