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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Smejkal, F . J., appointment, 127, 178 degree, 278 Smejkal, H . J., appointment, n o Smejkal, Richard, appointment, 125 commission, 282 degree, 268 Smith, Annie T., degree, 279 Smith, A. F „ appointment, 289 Smith, Alice N . , appointment, 56, 244 Smith, C. C , degree, 265, 270 Smith, C. M . , appointment, 50, 99, 239 Smith, C. R., degree, 278 Smith, Dorothy M . , degree, 265 Smith, Eleanor, degree, 26s Smith, D r . E . S., bills, 258 Smith, Elsie W., degree, 263 Smith, F . , appointment, 4 1 , 231 Smith, Florence E., appointment, 54. 242 Smith, G. E., appointment, 55 degree, 106 Smith, G. F . , appointment, 12, 35, 224 Smith, H . J., appointment, i n Smith-Hughes expense, 44 salaries, 44 Smith, Isabel H . , appointment, 30, 220 Smith, J . A., appointment, 36, 99, 235 Smith, J. E „ appointment, 48 Smith, J . R., degree, 266 honors, 280 Smith, K. O., appointment, 5 1 , 240 Smith-Lever Extension administration, expense, 61 salaries, 62 Home Economics division, salaries, 62 Smith, L. H . , appointment, 54, 243 Smith, L. L., appointment, 67, 129, 254 Smith, Marjorie L., degree, 267 Smith, Maybelle P . , degree, 265 Smith, M a y m e L., appointment, 36, 225 Smith, O. E., degree, 106 Smith, R. A., appointment, 41 Smith, R u t h H . , degree, 268 Smith, R . S., appointment, 55, 243 Smith, S. C , appointment, 165, 217, 268 Smith, T . P . , appointment, 250 Smith, W. H . , appointment, 56, 244 Smithers, Adelaide, appointment, 40, 230 Smithies, Frank, appointment, 108 Smithson, F . C , appointment, 225 Smysor, J. L., degree, 272 Snapp, R. R., appointment, 56, 244 Snavely, R. B., degree, 278 Snell, M . A., appointment, 127 commission, 282 degree, 266 Snider, E . Q., degree, 154 Snider, H . J., appointment, 55, 243 Snoddy, Donald, compensation for injury, 258 Snodgrass, J . M , , appointment, 5 1 , 241 Snow, C. M . , appointment, 67, 7 1 , 253, 256 Social Hygiene, salaries, 254 Sociology expense, 3 3 , 223 salaries, 4 1 , 231 summer session salaries, 194 Sollenberger, J u d i t h K., scholarship, 195 Soto, R . A., appointment, 40, 194 Sotola, Jerry, degree, 105 Souders, L. B., appointment, 12, 45, 234 Soule, J. E., appointment, 127 Southard, E . C , degree, 267 Sowers, H . T . , degree, 265 Spangler, R . E., degree, 106 Spanish, summer session salaries, 194 Sparks, Marion, appointment, 3 1 , 221 Spaulding, C. B . , appointment, 57, 99, 341 Special students, in law, 174 in medicine, fees, 8 Special examination rule extended to health examinations, 153 Spector, H . I., degree, 279 Spence, W. K., degree, 270 Spencer, Grace G., degree, 266 Spencer, Mabel A., degree, 266 Spencer, V. E., appointment, 55, 243 Sperry, R. E . , C. P . A., 172 Sperry, W. M . , appointment, 99 Sperry, W. M . , appointment, 99 Spicer, R. F . , degree, 269 Spiesman, I . G., degree, 279 Spilver, G. S., commission, 282 degree, 266 Spira, Leo, degree, 265 Spitler, J. C , appointment, 61 Sponsler, Gertrude, degree, 107 Sprague, Alice C , degree, 272 Sprague, J. P . , appointment, 110 Sprowls, Lois E., appointment, 62 Squier, A. A., degree, 270 Stadium architects, 18 committee, purchase of Stoolman property approved, 210 construction, organization, 157 funds, appropriation, 158 funds, and treasurer, 104 funds, loan to athletic association, 174 fund, proposed procedure for expenditure, 170 location, report, 209 management and receipts, 146 matters, report, 283 plans approved, 257, 287 plans and location, 173, 190 plans, Professor Provine heard, 9 site, 9 1 , 104 selection approved, 209 treasurer, appointment of H . S. Capron, 285 treasurer authorized to sell Liberty Bonds, 154 treasurer, resignation of W . A. Heath, 258 Staehle, Ida M . , degree, 265 Stahl, "C. N . , degree, 267 Stahlberg, R. B., degree, 280 Staley, S. C , appointment, 148, 193, 234, 249, 250 Stamberg, F . F . , degree, 106 Stanberry, Malora M . , degree, 272 Standish, H . S., appointment, 69, 256 Stanford, Mabel J., degree, 272 Stanley, Ethel M . , degree, 107 Stanton, W. M . , appointment, 47, 236 Stark, O. K „ appointment, 202, 224 Stark, R. W., appointment, 55, 243 Stark, Sam, compensation, 167 Starr, C. J., appointment, 49, 239 Starr, S. P . , appointment, 70, 256 Statistical studies, 216 Statistician, University, authority 'for appointment, 102 Statistics, division, salaries, 218 Statutes, reprinting, 83 St. Cardosi, C. V., ^egree, 105 Stead, K. M . , appointment, 115 Stebbins, Joel, appointment, 33 resignation, 135 Stebbins property, purchase, 173, 183 Stege, G. R., degree, 265 Stegenga, Gladys, degree, 157, 273 Steggerda, Morris, appointment, 2 3 1 , 260 Steimly, L. L., appointment, 39, 229 Steim, H . W., degree, 269 honors, 281 Steinert, L. E . P . , appointment, 127, 178 Steinhauser, W. A., degree, 269
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