UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 611]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Schlatter, C. F . , appointment, 232 II Schlatter, C. L , appointment, 43 Schlaude, Carl, appointment, 178, 192 Schleck, H . J., appointment, 67, 253 Schlueter, R. C ; appointment, 202 Schlutius, G. W., degree, 269 : Schmeltzer, C. B., appointment, 48, 237 Schmidt, A. H . , appointment, 98 Schmidt, C. C , appointment, 51, 240 Schmidt, E . C , appointment, 19, 5 1 , n o , 241 Schmidt and Garden, 146 employed, 137 Schmidt, R . E . , attended meeting, 191, 186, 209 Schmidt, R . W., degree, 269 Schmitt, H . A., appointment, 202 Schneider, R . F . , degree, 277 jj jj Schoe'nberg, A. J., appointment, 109 Schofield, scholarship, 13 s ;j J Scholarship J funds in medicine, 135 •; military, 65, 184 ^ ;\ requirement for admission of non-Illinois .• students, 153» 171 summer session, 137 J j Scholarships and fellowships, list, 195 Scholes, B. E., appointment, 98 Scholl, C. A., appointment, 58, 246 School of Pharmacy, fees, 152 I Schools, inspection of, 83 ;; Schour, Isaac, appointment, 127 Schowengerdt, Dr., bill, 182 Schricker, O. W., appointment, 49, 239 jj Schrider, G. W., appointment, 59, 246 jj Schroeder, Lucile K., degree, 265 •j Schroeder, R. H., degree, 279 :: • Schroeder, R . W., appointment, 49, 239 Schuettner, A. J., appointment, 45, 64 I Schujahn, Irene K., degree, 263 ;;j Schultz, H . J., appointment, 126 ;j Schultz, Louis, appointment, 70, 178, 255 ;| j Schulz, W . F . , appointment, 5 1 , 240 ;j J Schuster, Florence, appointment, 178 j , Schwab, Frances, appointment, 69, 255 Sehwalbe, W. L., appointment, 50, 240 :J ' Schwartz, F . P . , C. P . A., 124 Schwartz, G. F . , appointment, 6 3 , 249 .J Schweitzer, E . C., Jr., degree, 268 1 Sconce, H . J., appointment, 84, 126 :\ J Scott, F . W., appointment, 37, 226 \ \ Scott, J . M . , degree, 280 ij Scott, J . Q., degree, 271 ;J jj Scott, Lois M . , appointment, 45, 99 J Scott, M . J., degree, 268 ;j 1 Scott, R. A., appointment, 244 1 I degree, 156 ;| i Scott, W.- W., degree, 268 \ Scovill, H . T . , appointment, 42, 190, 232 :: I Scranton, L . L., degree, 106 I Sears, Margaret D . , degree, 272 Sears, O. H . , appointment, 55, 243 Secor, I n a , degree, 265 Secord, A. W., appointment, 12, 37, 192 fellowship, 195 Secretary, delegation of signature, 124, 168 Seelig, Lester, degree, 270 honors, 281 Seely, F . B., appointment, 50, 193, 240 Seelye, Katherine E., appointment, 63 Seiler, Eleanor F . , degree, 277 Seitz, H . W., appointment, 211 Sells, A. J., appointment, 225 Senear, F . E., appointment, 111 Sergeant, A. Gertrude, appointment, 38, 227 Seright, M a r y , degree, 265 Settle, Ida L., scholarship, 195 Severns, M r s . M a r y E., appointment, 114 Severns, W . H . , appointment, 49. 238 Sewer, storm-water, on Sixth Street, 17 J

Sexton, Meta M . , appointment, 221 Seybolt, R. F . , appointment, 44, 192, 234 Seymour, A. R., appointment, 40, 230 Seymour, B. B., degree, 106 Shaffer, 0 . G., appointment, 60 Shaffner, P . F., memorial tree mark, 208 Shah, C. C , degree, 266 Shapiro, Leo, degree, 270 Shapiro, S. L., appointment, 127, 178 degree, 278 Sharp, Vivian; appointment, 26, 216 Shaw, B. T., degree, 156 Shaw, Drusilla, appointment, 99, 250 Shaw, Edith, degree, 273 Shaw, Hazel Y., appointment, 3 1 , 221 Shaw, J. B., appointment, 39, 193, 229 Shawl, R. I., appointment, 58, 246 Shelford, V. E., appointment, 4 1 , 231 Shelton, G. R., appointment, 129 degree, 277, 278 Shepard, Marjorie, degree, 107 Sheppard, E . J., appointment, 289 Sherry, Fannie B.j offer of land in College Place accepted, 287 offer of lots in College Place declined, 209 Sherlaw, F . M . , degree, 275 Sherman, S. P., appointment, 36, 226 Sherry, I. L., appointment, 114 Shewart, H . A., degree, 265 Shirley, Ruth, appointment, 260 degree, 263 Shive, R. A., appointment, 36 Shoening, E . F . , degree, 267 Scholes, Charles, appointment, 70, 256 Short, L. M . , degree, 277 Shoup, Emma M . , appointment, 193 Showalter. M a r y A., degree, 263 scholarship, 196 Showers, T . J., appointment, 32, 222 Shuey, Audrey M . , degree, 265 Shultz, Helen M . , degree, 265 Shumate, K. W., appointment, 127 Shumway, Waldo, appointment, 2 3 1 , 260 Shuster, Florence, appointment, 235 Shuster, Fred, appointment, 126 Shutt, Adra L., degree, 157, 273 Siebern, William, appointment, 33 Signatures delegation of, 168 of President and Secretary, 20 Signor, Nelle M . , appointment, 3 1 , 221 Signor, R u t h , appointment, 29, 219 Silberman, L. E., degree, 280 Simmon, A. A., degree, 268 Simmons, Joseph, degree, 155 Simons, J. H., appointment, 35, 225 Simpson, Frances, appointment, 62, 248 Simpson, L. P . , degree, 273 Sims, Marjorie, appointment, 62 Sinden, A. D., degree, 270 honors, 281 Singer, H . D., appointment, 109 Sippy, B. O,, appointment, 70, 256 Sixth Street, Champaign, storm-water sewer, 17 Skemp, Edith E., degree, 263 prize, 282 Skidmore, J. E., degree, 272 Skiles, E. W., degree, 268 Skoglund, H . L., degree, 107 Sladky, Anton, degree, 280 Slagle, D . C , degree, 266 Slater, R. G., degree, 272 Slaughter, H . L., degree, 268 Sloan, A. W., degree 266 honors, 280 scholarship, 195 Small, Dee, appointment, 59, 246 Small, Helen D., appointment, 139, 248 Smalley, Agnes E., degree, 265