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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
O'Geran, Graeme, appointment, 233 Ogg, F . C , appointment, 202, 229 O'Hara, C. M . , degree, 278 O'Hara, F . H., appointment, 69, 25$ Okey, M a r y C , degree, 156 Olander, M . M . , degree, 269 O'Laughlin, Margaret, appointment, 59, 247 Oldfather, W . A., appointment, 36, 191, 192, 226 Oliver, T . E., appointment, 40, 230 Olmstead, A. T., appointment, 39, 228 Olsen, A. E., appointment, 109 Olson, Irma E., degree, 264 Olson, V. B., degree, 269 Olson, W . M . , degree, 276 Oltusky, Rose J., degree, 264 Operative Dentistry expense, 69, 254 salaries, 69, 255 Oppenheim, W. C., degree, 268 Opthalmology expense, 66, 252 salaries, 68, 253 Oral Surgery expense, 69, 254 salaries, 70, 255 Orians, G. H., scholarship, 195 Orians, H . L., scholarship, 195 Oriental Museum, expense, 33, 223 Orthodontia expense, 69, 254 salaries, 70, 256 Osborn, J. B., degree, 275 Osborne, H . M., degree, 271 Osborne, Pauline, appointment, 28 Osgood, W. R., appointment, 240 Otanes, F . Q., degree, 155 Otology, expense, 252 Otsuba, Takeo, degree, 105 Overman, O. R., appointment, 57, 245 Packard, Bessie E., appointment, 59, 97, 247 247 Pageant of Progress, 82 appropriation, for exhibit, 206 Paine, E . B., appointment, 48, 238 Palmer, A. B., degree, 156 Palmer, C. E., appointment, 47, 237 Palmer, C. S., degree, 155 Palmer, Grace R., degree, 265 Palmer, Margaret W., degree, 264 Palmer, T . J., rnemofiaT~tree mark, 208 Pankaw, George, compensation for injury, 283 Parke, H . H . , appointment, 126 Parker, G. H . , degree, 264 Parker, G. S., appointment, 48 Parker, J. H., degree, 270 Parkerson, William, degree, 11, 5 1 , 240, 276 Parkinson, Ethel M . , degree, 263 Parkinson, H . N . , appointment, 5 1 , 241 Parks, G. E., degree, 280 Parks, E . E., appointment, 97 Paris, R u t h S., appointment, 129, 255 Parmalee, C. W., appointment, 47, 237 P a r r Coking process, 138 report, 143 Parr, Lucille, degree, 264 Parr, Rosalie M . , appointment, 34, 224 Parr, S. W., appointment, 34, 5 1 , 224, 241 secured against action, 146 Parrett, R u t h , degree, 272 Parrish, H . C , memorial tree mark, 208 Parry, J. J., appointment, 37, 226 Parsons, M a r y W., degree, 264 Partridge, W. A., degree, 273 Pasternak, Thomas, degree, 266 Patents on inventions, 137 discoveries, appropriations, 286 Pathology expense, 252 salaries, 253 Pathology, and Bacteriology expense, 66 salaries, 67 P a t o n , R. F . , appointment, 259 Patterson, Bernice A., degree, 264 Patterson, C. F . , appointment, 60 Pattie, F . A. Jr., scholarship, 195 P a t t o n , A. E., degree, 275 P a t t o n , Adah I,, appointment, 30, 220 P a t t o n , Audley E., fellowship, 195 P a t t o n , Jennie M . , appointment, 108 degree, 265 P a t t o n , J. R. Jr., degree, 268 P a t t o n , L. N . , degree, 271 P a u l , H . G., appointment, 37, 45, 226, 235 Paul, Katherine H., appointment, 4 1 , 231 Paulsen, Hilda, appointment, 67, 253 Payne, Maurine, degree, 264 P a y ton, P . L., appointment, 3 1 , 221 degree, 108 Peabody, S. H . , portrait, 143 Pearce, Margaret C , degree, 265 Pearce, R u t h S., degree, 264 Pearson, Grace, degree, 264 Pearson, I. F . , degree, 273 Pease, A. S., appointment, 36, 226 Pease, D . W., appointment, 165, 289 Pease, T . C , appointment, 39, 228 Peck, John, compensation for injury, 283 Peck, Laura A., appointment, 30, 221 Peel, Thomas, appointment, 36, 226 Peet, C. H., appointment, 35, 114 Pellum, R., compensation, 167 Pendry, Eliza R., degree, 105 Pepper, G., compensation, 167 Percy, N . M . , appointment, n o Pergande, Robert, appointment, 50, 240 Perkins, E . E., appointment, 97, 238 Perkins, Esther M . , degree, 265 Perkins, W. E., degree, 268 Perkins, W. J., appointment, 98 Perrine, W. S., appointment, 126 Perrott, Alma S., degree, I57» 273 Petersen, W. F . , appointment, 253 Peterson, I., appointment, 98 Peterson, J. A., degree, 265, 272 Peterson, R. M . , appointment, 139 degree, 272 Peterson, R. W., appointment, 58, 165, 245 degree, 276 Peterson, W . F . , appointment, 67 Petry, C. A., appointment, 32, 222 Pettengill, P . W., C. P . A., 124 Pettit, H . P . , appointment, 39, 229 degree, 277 Pharmacology expense, 66, 252 salaries, 253 Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Materia Medica, salaries, 67 Pharmacy, college of advisory board, 154 assistants appointed, 128 building insurance, 125 expense, 215 fees, 152 laboratory supplies, 102 loan fund, 5, 206 lots, sale of, 6, 207 lots, sale not made, 14 purchase of land for, 136 salaries, 7 1 , 256 Phifer, C. H . , appointment, n o Phillips, D . E., appointment, 192, 194 Phillips, E . C , appointment, 289 Phillips, Harriet M . , appointment, 61
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