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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

M u n r o , E . F . , appointment, 69, 97, 256 Murchison, Gladys E., appointment, 147, 251 Murphey, Ruthe, appointment, 32, 222 Murphy, A. R., degree, 266 Murphy, B. K., degree, 155 Murphy, F . G., appointment, 110 Murphy, F . L., C. P . A., 124 Murphy, Mildred T., degree, 264 Murphy, Rose, appointment, 67, 253 Murray, D . B., degree, 268 M u r r a y , M a r t h a L., degree, 264 Museums expense, 223 gift to, 5 Museum of N a t u r a l History, salaries, 4 1 , 231 Music expense, 215 public school curriculum authorized, 286 salaries, 63, 249 special fees, 183 summer session salaries, 193 Myers, E . L., degree, 273 Myers, H . B., degree, 267 honors, 280 Myers, K. H., degree, 271 Myers, Lena J., appointment, 259 Myers, W. H., degree, 278 Mylrea, T . D., degree, 276 Nachtigall, Hans, appointment, 109 Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 66, n o , 114, 252, 254 Nagle, P . I., degree, 270 Nagle, Sybil K., appointment, 56, 244 Naito, Yoso, degree, 105 Nakadai, Mosaburo, degree, 279 Nasatir, A. V., appointment, 139 Nason, Edith H., appointment, n , 35, 224 Nations, L. J., degree, 263 N a t u r a l History addition, bids and contracts, 86 expense, 33, 223 gift of books, 5 salaries, 231 Naughton, F . U., Jr., degree, 271 N a v a l Academy, students from, 151 Naylor, R. E., degree, 267 honors, 281 Nearpass, E . E., appointment, 33, 223 Needham, A. A., degree, 271 Needham, Marguerita, degree, 274 Needier, L. Q., degree, 268 Negley, S. R., degree, 270 Neiswanger, Wandaline E., degree, 264 Nelson, A. C , appointment, 114, 225 Nelson, D . W., appointment, 128, 165 Nelson, F . L., degree, 270 Nelson, H . E „ C. P . A,. 124 Nelson, J., appointment, 68 Nelson, N . E., appointment, 97, 227, 259 Nelson, R. A., appointment, 51, 240 Nelson, Severina E., appointment, 37, 192, 227 Nemeroff, J. H., degree, 279 Nemitz, E . C , degree, 266 Neth, J. H., appointment, 139, 233 degree, 156 Netz, R. M . , appointment, 211 degree, 266 Neuber, Anna L., appointment, 29, 219 Neuenschwander, M . H., degree, 107 Nevada Street lots, purchase, 184 purchase from Morgan Brooks, 209 Nevens, W. B., appointment, 246 Neville, H . A., appointment, n , 35, 224 Nevins, W. B., appointment, 58, 97 Nevyas, Jacob, appointment, 35 degree, 274 Newby, M . P., degree, 268 Newcomb, E . E., appointment, 147 Newcomb, Rexford, appointment, 4.7, 236 Newell, Mary, appointment, 70, 256 Newman, C. W., appointment, 177 degree, 264 Newman, Dorothy, appointment, 177 Newman, H . E., degree, 155 Newman, Margaret J., appointment, 52, 241 Newport, W. L., degree, 271 Newton, Dorothy, appointment, 220 Newton, F . W., appointment, 60, 248 degree, 271 Newton, J. R., injury sustained, 123 Newton, Lillie M . , degree, 268 Nicholas, A. J., appointment, 114, 239 Nicholas, H . O., fellowship, 211 Nichols, Esther I., degree, 272 Nichols, Ina P., degree, 272 Nickels, A. C , degree, 279 Niedergesaess, Selma, appointment, 289 Nielson, J., appointment, 139 Niemann, W. E., degree, 270 Nilson, Ann E., degree, 264 Nilson, J. E., appointment, 253 Nirider land, purchase of, 126 property, purchase, 151 property, purchase completed, 183 N i t t a , A. L., degree, 266 Nobiling, W. L., degree, 271 Noelle, W. L., degree, 155 Noethling, C. M . , degree, 270 Nofsinger, C. W., degree, 270 Nolan, A. W., appointment, 44, 191, 235 Non-Illinois students, fees, 9, 16 scholarship requirement, 171 Non-resident students, extra fees, 9, 16 Nordgren, M . L., degree, 270 Nordlie, L. T., appointment, 42, 233 Norris, L. C , appointment, SO, 239 North, E . O., appointment, 35, 225 degree, 155 North, T . B., C. P . A., 172 Norton, E . A., appointment, 55, 244 Norton, F . B., degree, 273 Norton, M . C , degree, 267 Nothwang, R. S., degree, 105 Novak, M . P . , degree, 266 honors, 280 Nowlin, O. W. E., degree, 278 Noxon, G. A., degree, 156 Noyes, C. E., prize, 282 Noyes, F . B., appointment, 70, 256 Noyes, W. A., appointment, 34, 224 Nuding, Wendell, accident compensation, 182 N u t t a l l , M r s . Olive, appointment, n , 34 N u t t a l l , W. H., degree, 271 Nuzum, John, appointment, 67, 253 Nyberg, Nettie, appointment, 27, 217 Nylander, V. T., appointment, 69, 255 Oakes, Edna F., degree, 108 Obstetrics expense, 66, 252 salaries, 68, 253 Ochs, Milton, appointment, 178 Ochsner, A. J., appointment, 109 O'Connor R. R., degree, 270 honors, 281 O'Conor, V. J., appointment, 129 Odell, C. W., appointment, 5, 44, 234, 289 degree, 277 O'Donnell, F . H., degree, 264 O'Donnell, T . E., appointment, 47, 237 Oesterling, H . C,, appointment, 37 Oesterling, H . L., appointment, 227 Office space, 13 Officers, election of, 168 Ogden, Charles, compensation for injury, 167, 258 Ogden, Katharine, fellowship, 211
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