UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 604]

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Machamer, J. E., degree, 270 Machin, J. S., appointment, 36 Macintire, H . J., appointment, 49, 238 Mackey, A. K., appointment, 57, 97, 245 Madden, Grace E., degree, 274 Main, H . H., degree, 269 Maizus, S. H., degree, 278 Makepeace, F . G., degree, 271 Malacki, J. D., degree, 155 Malcomson, R. J., degree, 270 Malloch, W. S., appointment, 56 Mallory, Fairie J., appointment, 62 Mallow, Gladys, appointment, 58, 246 Malone, D . G., degree, 270 Mandel, R. M . , degree, 278 Mandeville, M . J., appointment, 43 Manley, E . J., appointment, 45, 64, 234, 249, 250 Manley, J. C , degree, 106 M a n n , F . I., appointment, 84, 126 M a n n , H . M . , prize, 282 M a n n , J. C , degree, 272 M a n n , M a r y F . , degree, 265 Manter, H . W., scholarship, 211 M a n n y , W. L., degree, 270 Mansfield, Russell, degree, 268 Marcusson, W. B., degree, 278 Margolis, Jesse, degree, 278 Maricle, R., appointment, 36 Markland, Marguerite, appointment, 27, 217 Markland, Nelle, appointment, 129, 245 Marks, J. B., appointment, 111 Marmion, Florence, appointment, 27, 218 Marquedant, Isabel, appointment, 60, 238 M a r q u a r d t , Philomena, appointment, 48, 238 Marsh, H . L., appointment, 67, 254 Marshall, Grace B., appointment, 3 1 , 221 Marshall, W. F., degree, 271 M a r t i n , Ava E., degree, 265 M a r t i n , E . K., degree, 268 Martin, E . W., appointment, 39, 229 M a r t i n , F . W., appointment, 49, 239 Martin, H . M . , appointment, 40, 230 Martin, M . M . , degree, 269 Martin, R u t h , appointment, 60, 248 Marvel, C. S., appointment, 35, 191, 224 M a r y a n , H . O., degree, 278 Marx, M . R., degree, 272 Mason, D . H., degree, 270 honors, 281 Mason, E . G., degree, 108 Mason, Lee, degree, 106 Mason, Ruby E . C , appointment, 28, 218 Massey, L. C , appointment, 97, 129 Masterton, E. L., degree, 278 Materia Medica expense, 252 salaries, 253 Materia Medica and Therapeutics expense, 254 salaries, 255 Mathematics expense, 33, 222 salaries, 39, 229 summer session salaries, 193 Matheny, Alice, appointment, 27, 217 Mathews, A. G., appointment, 4 3 , 114 degree, 275 Mathews, C. K., appointment, 48, 97, 237 Mathews, J. M . , appointment, 40, 230 Mathews, W. B., degree, 270 honors, 281 Matthew, Helen, degree, 272 Matthews, Jim P . , appointment, 193 M a y , O. E., appointment, 49, 97, 238 M a y hew, Roy L., appointment, 41 Mays, Arthur B., appointment, 44, 235 Maxwell, C. H., degree, 275 Maxwell, D . I., degree, 266

Mayberry, M . M . , degree, 270 Mayhew, E . L., appointment, 231 Mazer, G. M . , appointment, 114 degree, 274 Meakin, Genevieve, appointment, 66, 253 Meals, R. W., degree, 278 Mechanical Engineering expense, 46, 230 salaries, 49, 238 summer session salaries, 193 Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied, expense, 236 Medical Building architects for, 137 indebtedness, payment, 104 •insurance, 125 Medical college memorial fund and lectures, 122 Medical faculty, resolutions in regard to memorial tree, 207 Medical hospital, arrangement of space, 190 Medical laboratory, location, 142 Medical laboratory and library, plans, 174 Medical research library and laboratory, 16 plans, 186 Medicine, College of administration expense, 66 appropriation for library, 150 assistants appointed, 127 chemical apparatus, 103 clinical faculty, 108 committee report, 7 1 , 142 diplomas for graduates, 190 expense, 215, 252 expense summary, 66 fees, 151 graduate school, expense, 66 indebtedness extended, 1 library expense, 66 salaries, 68 memorial fund, 122 name changed, 146 presented with gift by M r s . Adolph Gehrmann, 183 salaries, 66, 68, 252, 253 Medicine, College of, Dispensary expense, 252 salaries, 252 Medicine, scholarship funds, 135 Medicine, special students, fees, 8 Meeks, Rosamond E., appointment, 177 Meetings, monthly, 91 Meier, H . J., appointment, 4 9 , 238 Meier, W. K., degree, 271 Melvin, M . V., appointment, 97 Melvin, Virginia, appointment, 231 Melzer, Dorothy, appointment, 11, 67, 253 Membership in organizations, 216 Memorial fund and lectures, Medical College, 122, 124 Memorial tree, resolutions from medical faculty, 207 Men, Dean of expense, 215 salaries, 218 Menaker, Arnold, degree, 266 Mendelsohn, Philip, degree, 280 Mendoza, J. M . , appointment, 11, 34, 224 Menovitch, C. R., memorial tree mark, 208 Merchant, Donna, appointment, 44 Meriwether, Shannon, appointment, 97 degree, 268 Merriam, Cordelia B., appointment, 11, 4 1 , 230 Merrill, D . C , degree, 279 Mershimer, R u t h , appointment, 58, 129, 246 Merz, R. A., degree, 270 Metcalf, C. L., appointment, 6, 38, 227 Metcalf, W. B., appointment, 108 Metterhausen, F . B., degree, 106