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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Lindley, B. H., degree, 264, 270 Lindquist, A. G., C. P . A. 172 Lindsey, A. H., degree, 271 Ling, Shu-Mong, degree, 268 Linke, Madge, degree, 265 Linn, F . C , appointment, 96, 239 Linsley, C. M . , appointment, 55, 244 Lippe, R. W., appointment, 27, 217 Litman, Simon, appointment, 42, 233 leave of absence, 7 Litschgi, J. J, appointment, 129, 252 Little, Ethel E., degree, 279 Little, E . M., appointment, 289 Little, M a r y N . , degree, 264 Littleton, A. C , appointment, 42, 4 3 , 190, 232, 233 Littman, E . R., appointment, 225 Lively, C. E., appointment, 4 1 , 96 Livermore, Ogden, degree, 266 Livingston, George, appointment, 127 Livingston, G. S., degree, 278 Lloyd, J. W., appointment, 60, 247 Loan fund Pharmacy, 5 Woman's Chicago Retail Druggists' Association, extended to men, 206 Woman's League, gift, 282 Lockwood, C. H . , appointment, 110 Lohmann, K. B., appointment, 60, 248 Long, F . H . , appointment, 129, 254 Long, H . L., degree, 264 Long, M . S., appointment, 96 Longbons, Belle, degree, 157, 273 honors, 281 Longbons, Elizabeth, degree, 266 Longenotti, La Cari, degree, 268 Longi, Olga P., appointment, 211, 230 Longman, Reba E., degree, 266 Loomis, M e t t a M . , appointment, 68, 253 Loomis, O. K., degree, 271 honors, 281 Lorance, G. T . , appointment, 52, 241 Lorenz, C. F . , degree, 280 Lots rented from Chamber of Commerce, 84 Lougee, Dora A., fellowship, 195 Lougee, Flora M . , appointment, 35, 225 Loughery, H . B., degree, 279 Loughlin, R., appointment, 96 Lounsbury, B . F . , appointment, n o Love, J. J., degree, 270 Lovellette, Le Count, memorial tree mark, 208 Lovett, R. F . , degree, 105 Lowe, C. G., appointment, 289 Lowe, Clara M . , appointment, 66, 252 Lowe, Lucretia, appointment, 37 Lowes, H . H . , degree, 271 Lowrance, R. E., degree, 269 Lubelsky, S. S., degree, 270 Lucas, A. E., appointment, 139, 239 Lucas, F . B., appointment, 127, 177 Lucero, I . V., degree, 273 Ludwig, L. J., C. P . A., 124 Lumsden, W. K., appointment, 27, 217 Lundgren, C. L., appointment, 45, 64, 193, 234, 249, 250 Luther, Ida, appointment, 250 Lybyer, A. H., appointment, 38, 228 Lyman, B. A.,* degree, 268 Lynch, Helen C , appointment, 113, 233 Lytle, E . B., appointment, 39, 45, 193, 2 1 1 , 229, 235 Lytle, Florence M . , degree, 268 Lytle, M a n t a M . , degree, 106 McAdam8, May E.. appointment, 60, 248 McAnally, Marion, appointment, 37, 227 McAnlis, C. R., appointment, 47, 237 McCammon, M a r t h a , appointment, 45, 235 McCann, F . A., degree, 266 McCarthy, Adelaide, appointment, 58, 246 McCaskill, Illinois, appointment, 59 degree, 265 McCaughtry, R u t h C , appointment, 29 McClay, A. L., appointment, 126 McClellan, R. P . , appointment, 113, 165 McClure, M . T., appointment, 40, 193, 229 McCluskey, S. D., appointment, 5 McClusky, F . D., appointment, 44, 192, 234 McColm, E . M . , degree, 266 McConagha, W . A., appointment, 233 degree, 274 McConkey, Oswald, degree, 275 McConkie, J. F . , scholarship, 195 McConn, C. M . , appointment, 26 McCord, Lois H., degree, 264 McCord, L. I., degree, 268 MacCormack, D . M . , appointment, 127, 177 McCormick, F . G., appointment, 129, 234, 250 McCormick, K. T., degree, 266 McCormick, Mildred E., degree, 264 McCormick, R. S., degree, 271 McCrea, F . D . , appointment, 40, 230 McCullough, Helen, appointment, 59, 247 McDermott, Agnes, appointment, 62, 114 MacDonald, Bettie, degree, 264 McDonald, J. J., degree, 270 MacDonald, J. W., degree, 270 McDougall, W. B., appointment, 34, 191, 223 McDbugle, Ella M . , degree, 272 McEldowney, H . I., degree, 268 McElvain, Samuel, appointment, 225 McElvain, S. M . , appointment, 165 McEwen, C. R., degree, 271 McFarlan, L. H . , appointment, 39 McFarland, W . M . , degree, 272 McFarlane, H . D., appointment, 42, 233 MacGillivray, A. D., appointment, 38, 227 MacGillivray, J . H . , degree, 275 McGinnis, D . C , degree, 268 McGinty, P . A., appointment, 35, 225 MacGregor, James, appointment, 282 MacGregor, Marian, appointment, 59, 247 McGuigan, H . A., appointment, 67, 253 McIIarry, L. J., appointment, n McHarry, Liesette G., appointment, 45, 235 M c l n t i r e , E . J., degree, 278 Mcintosh, M r s . Donald, allowance, 57 death of, 150 M c l n t y r e , R. D., appointment, 4 3 , 190, 232 McKeever, Thomas, degree, 268 McKelvey, F . H . , appointment, 126 McKenna, C. M . , appointment, n o McKenzie, K., appointment, 40, 230 McKeon, E., appointment, 96, 244 McKInney, I . A., degree, 157, 273 McKinstry, Elizabeth B., degree, 264 McLain, W. D . , degree, 268 McLarthy, A. D., degree, 264 scholarship, 195 McLean, Alice E., degree, 265 McMillen, O. C , appointment, 4 1 , 231 M c M i n n , N . L., appointment, 97, 227 McMullan, W . N . , appointment, 42, 233 M c M u r r a y , H . T., degree, 271 McNally, Andrew, degree, 278 McNealy, R. W., appointment, 110 McNeely, J. K., appointment, 48, 238 McNeil, Angeline, appointment, 30 McNeill, Adele, appointment, 57, 245, 129 MacNeill, Henry, appointment, 165, 249 McNeill, J. R., appointment, 126 McOmber, F . L., degree, 280 McQueen, H . G., degree, 268 McSparren, Dorothy, appointment, 37, 227 McWilliams, Jennie L., appointment, 65, 147, 251 Mach, G. R., degree, 108
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