UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 599]

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Hoffman, J. B., appointment, 113 degree, 105 Hoffman, Josephine F . , degree, 263 Hoffman, Lillie W., appointment, 67, 254 Hoffman, Mary M . , appointment, 113 Hoffman, R. W., degree, 279 Hogue, Clara M . , appointment, 37 Hogue, L. J., degree, 269 Hohman, R . H . , degree, 279 Hoit, Otis W., elected member of executive committee, 168 Holabird, John, attended meeting, 209, 257, 287 Holinger, Jacques, appointment, 111 Holler, L. S., degree, 271 Hollingshead, T . E., degree, 266 Hollingsworth, D . M . , degree, 269 Hollister, C. E., appointment, 36, 226 Hollister, H . A., appointment, 28, 44, 192, 218, 234 Holmes, M . , appointment, 95 Holt, Elisabeth, appointment, 218, 259 degree, 265 Holt, L. H . , degree, 268 Holton, W . B., appointment, 36, 176, 225 Homan, E . W., degree, 269 Home Advisers budget, 53, 59 education, 44 Smith-Lever, 61 laboratory fee, 153 Home Economics expense, 242 salaries, 247 Home Economics Education, salaries, 235 Honors and Prizes, list, 280 Hoover, B . P . , appointment, 229, 259 Hope, E . W., appointment, 63, 95 Hopkins, B. S., appointment, 34, 191, 224 Hopkins, Charles, appointment, 2 0 1 , 229 Hopkins, M r s . C. G., allowance, 56 retiring allowance, 244 Hopkins, M a r y A., degree, 264 Hormel, O. D . , appointment, n , 37 Hornback, R . H . , degree, 269 honors, 281 Horner, E . A., degree, 269 Horseback riding, 153 Horst, R. L., appointment, 35 degree, 275 Horticulture budget, 53, 59 building, 72, 86, 9 1 , 146 expense, 242 salaries, 247 summer session salaries, 191 Horticultural building, refrigeration equipment, 288 landscape development, 185 Hoskin, A. J., appointment, 52, 95, 242 Hospers, A. J., degree, 279 Hospital agreement with department of Public Welfare, 187 Hostetler, O. C , degree, 106 Hostetter, Marie M . , degree, 273 honors, 281 Hottes, C. F . , appointment, 19, 34, 191, 223, 244 Houchens, Josie B., appointment, 30, 220 Houghton, Leatha L., degree, 264 Houses, removal of, 83 Howard, C. G., degree, 273 Howard, J. C , degree, 269 Howe, C. G., degree, 271 Howe, Eleanor, degree, 272 honors, 281 Howie, J . L., degree, 269 honors, 281 Hrdiicka, C. L., degree, 274 fellowship, 195

Hruby, F . E., appointment, 177 Hsu, K . W., degree, 264 Hsu, W . S., degree, 271 Huang, C. S., degree, 105 Hubbard, M . , appointment, 95 Hubbell, E . L., degree, 268 Hubbs, Genesia E., appointment, 177, 247 Huber, C. M . , appointment, 2 0 1 , 229 Huber, J . R., appointment, 113 Huber, Marie, appointment, 46, 236 Huddle, H . B., appointment, 35, 113 degree, 275 Hudgens, Elsia A., degree, 265 Hudson, J . R., degree, 271 Huelsen, W . A., appointment, 60, 9 5 , 248 Huff, G. A., appointment, 64, 193, 249, 250 attended meeting, 173, 209, 257 Huff, Helen E., degree, 272 Huff, J . O., appointment, 27, 217 Huffer, J . H . , appointment, 50, 239 injury, 123 Hughes, Alberta, degree, 105 Hughes, C. O., degree, 278 Hughes, Kathryn H . , degree, 157, 273 Hughes, L. W., degree, 279 Hughitt, Anne L., appointment, 64, 250 Hulbert, H . S., appointment, 109 Hull, Dorothy E., appointment, 218 Hull, T . C , degree, 268 Hullfish, H . G., degree, 105 Hulsebus, Gretchen R., degree, 264 Humiston, C, E . , appointment, 109 Humphreys, Florence, appointment,- 37, 2 0 1 , 227, 259 Humrichouser, Carol, appointment, 95, 250 H u n t , Ada E . t appointment; 59, 247 H u n t , Dorothy K., degree, 264 H u n t , E . L., appointment, 192 H u n t , K . L., degree, 271 H u n t , L. G., degree, 268 Hunter, E . R., appointment, 201 Hunter, M . H . , appointment, 42, 233 Hunter, O. L., degree, 267 Huntington, H . A., degree, 156 Hurd, C. D . , appointment, 35, 191, 224 Hurd, M . M . , appointment, 42, 9 5 , 233 Hursh, R . K., appointment, 47, 237 Hurst, J. W., appointment, 39, 229 degree, 154 H u r t , E . F . , degree, 268 Hutchins, Margaret, appointment, 31, 221 Hutchinson, James, appointment, 60, 248 Huxel, C. J., degree, 271 H y a t t , J . L., appointment, 4 1 , 231 Hyde, Elizabeth C , appointment, 35, 225 degree, 275 Hyland, Christine B., degree, 273 Hyle, K. A., degree, 266 Hyler, F . W., appointment, 96 Hyslop, R . J., appointment, 109 Hyslop, W H . , appointment, 5, 51 Ide, Agnes D., degree, 264 Ide, R . A., appointment, 43 Illini Hall, appropriation, 82 cafeteria equipment, 21 Illinois Charitable Eye and E a r Infirmary, agreement, 187 Illinois Historical Survey, expense, 63 Illinois Municipal League fellowships, 151 Illinois Union housing, 257 Illyes, C. R., degree, 106 Imboden, J . G., appointment, 125 Incidental fee for non-Illinois students, 192122, 16 Income, estimated, 23 1922-23, 214 Indemnity bond for loss of check, 172 Indianapolis Illini Club, resolution, 102