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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Gallie, Donald M . , appointment, 69, 255 Gallion, Agnes M . , degree, 265 Galster, Alma L., degree, 105 Garcia, Maria C. M . , degree, 156 Gard, W. L., degree, 106 Garden, H . M . G., attended meeting, 209 Gardner, J . H . , appointment, 36 fellowship, 195 Garman, H . B., appointment, 28 degree, 272 Garner, J. W., appointment, 40, 194, 230 leave of absence, 207 Garraghan, E . F . , appointment, 111 Garver, Willia K., appointment, 30, 220 Garvin, M a r y B., degree, 154 Garvin, W . T . , appointment, 176 Gas Engineering, curriculum authorized, 172 Gast, W. F . , appointment, 147 Gates, C. E., degree, 271 Gates, J u a n i t a , appointment, 42, 232 Gathercoal, E . N . , appointment, 7 1 , 256 Gault, Louis, degree, 269 Gay, Sara L., degree, 265 Gayer, E . J., degree, 155 Gehrig, O. B., appointment, 42, 94 Gehrmann, M r s . Adolph, gift, 183 Geiermann, L. J., degree, 106 Geiss, F . F . , degree, 267 General Engineering Drawing, budget, 46, 48 Geology, budget, 33, 38 expense, 222 salaries, 228 summer session salaries, 192 George, H . A., appointment, 94, 226 Gere, J., appointment, 40 Gerig, O. B., appointment, 233 German budget, 33, 38 expense, 222 salaries, 228 summer session salaries, 192 Germundsson, T . , scholarship, 195 Gernon, G. D . , appointment, n o Gerty, F . J., appointment, 112 Getchell, M . W., appointment, 221 degree, 273 Geuther, W. P . , memorial tree mark, 208 Geweke, August, appointment, 126 Geyer, Grace, appointment, 128 Gher, R. G., degree, 269 Gibbon, K. M . , degree, 264 Giberson, Eugenia L., degree, 273 Gibson, J. T . , degree, 267 Giddings, M a t e L., appointment, 59, 247 Gidinghagen, Florence L., degree, 263 Gidinghagen, Myrtle R., appointment, 40 Gifford, C. R., appointment, 94 Gift to museum, 5, 82 Dante manuscript, 143 of one hundred dollars from M r s . R . V Cram, 184 of M r s . Adolph Gehrmann, 183 of research laboratory equipment from E n gineering Foundation, 186 to Woman's League Loan Fund, 282 Gilbert, G. G., degree, 272 Gilkey, H . J., appointment, 50, 240 Gill, H . L., appointment, 64, 193, 250 Gill, I . C , degree, 106 Gillen, Mildred J., degree, 265 Gillespie, J . E., appointment, 39, 228 Gillette, Gladys M . , appointment, 288 Gillies, R. C , appointment, 233 Ginnings, P . M . , degree, 277 Gipson, D . W., degree, 156 Glaser, A. L., prize, 281 Glasgow, R . D . , appointment, 38, 192, 228 Gleich, C. P . , degree, 280 Glenn, H . M . , degree, 264 Glenn, S. E , appointment, 227 degree, 263 Glick, P . A., appointment, 38 degree, 105 Glos, D . F . , degree, 270 Glover, Anna C , appointment, 54, 242 Gluskoter, S. P . , degree, 270 honors, 281 Goble, G. W., appointment, 63, 287 Gochnaur, O. M . , memorial tree mark, 208 Goddard, Clara E., degree, 264 Goddard, M . C , degree, 107 Goebel, Julius, appointment, 38, 228 Goebel, W. F . , fellowship, 195 Goetz, F . S., degree, 267 Goff, C. W., degree, 278 Goff, J . A., appointment, 113, 2 0 1 , 239 Goldberg, Joseph, degree, 278 Goldberger, S. M . , appointment, 109 Golden, D . E., degree, 271 Goldenson, M . J., degree, 279 Golder, L. W. Jr., degree, 106 Goldsholl, Samuel, degree, 269 Gomez, A. A., degree, 107 Gooch,' Olive, appointment, 63 Goodenough, G. A., appointment, 49, 193, 238 Goodkind, M . L., appointment, 108 Goodman, Mable R., appointment, 48, 237 Goodman, W. F . , degree, 272 Goodrich, Elizabeth, appointment, 65, 250 Goodspeed, Walter S., appointment, 48, 238 Goodwill, Floyd O., appointment, 43 Goodwin, J. R., appointment, 128 Goodwin, Marcus, appointment, 176 Goodyear, Grace L., degree, 265 Gordon, Harry, degree, 279 Gordon, R. L., degree, 106 Gore, R. C , appointment, 232 degree, 272 Gossett, W. P . , degree, 264 Gottschalk, Clara G., appointment, 68, 110,254 Gottschalk, L. R., appointment, 94, 192, 238 Gould, V. L., appointment, 225 Graduate School, budget, 63 expense, 215 fellowships, 150 salaries, 249 Graduate work by assistants, 1921-22, 20 Gradwohl, Beulah E., appointment, 7 1 , 251 Graesser, R . F . , appointment, 39 degree, 274 Graham, A. J., appointment, n o Graham, Mary, appointment, 65, 251 Graham, Robert, appointment, 56, 94, 244 Graham, R . C , degree, 271 Graicunas, A. A., degree, 271 Grant, O. B., degree, 266 Graves, G. D . , appointment, 35, 191 fellowship, 195 Grawols, G. L., C. P . A., 172 Gray, A. E., appointment, 225 Gray, E . K., degree, 267 Gray, G. W., appointment, 94, 227 Gray, H . , appointment, 38, 228 Gray, H . M . , appointment, 147, 232 degree, 156 honors, 280 Gray, H . W., degree, 267 honors, 280 Gray, Mildred, degree, 263 Gray, Miles, degree, 156 Gray, R. D., degree, 108 Gray, S. J., degree, 271 Green, Bess R., appointment, 2 0 1 , 231 Green, C. F . , appointment, 39, 193. 229 Green, Frederick, appointment, 6 3 , 286 Green, J. R., degree, 269 Green, M . C , compensation for injury, 258 Green, N . B., appointment, 52, 241
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