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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Farrow, Tiera, prize, 282 Fatigue of metals, research laboratory equipment, 186 Faxon, D . E., degree, 278 Fedderson, Ester C , appointment, 40 Federal Board for vocational education, contract for 1921-22, 102 Feek, J . L., appointment, 3 1 , 221 Fees, 1921-22 Chicago departments, 151 Dentistry, 152 Entrance examinations, 6 horseback-riding, 153 laboratory, 7, 8, 153 procedure, 21 Law, 152 Medicine, 151 non-Illinois students, 9, 16 Pharmacy, 152 registrar's report for first semester, 204 report of, 132 School of Music, 183 University High School, 16 Fehrenkamp, Winifred, appointment, 47, 237 Felbeck, G. T., appointment, 52, 241 Feldman, H . W., appointment, 139 Fellowships and Scholarships Graduate School, 6 3 , 150 Illinois Municipal League, 151 list, 195 Felsenthal, Emma R., appointment, 62, 248 Feltham, Gladys, appointment, 27 Fencken, L. O., degree, 267 Ferguson, Grayce L., appointment, 62 Fess, Gilbert M . , •appointment, 41 Feuer, M . A., degree, 268 Field, Harford, prize, 281 Filbey, E . J., appointment, 42, 232 Filut, F . F . , appointment, 232 degree, 267 Finch, Dr. J. H., bill, 182 Fink, H . W., appointment, i n Finkelstein, Isadore, degree, 266 Finley, Esther L., appointment, 128, 221 Finley, W. L., degree, 107 Finnegan, Catherine E., appointment, 50, 240 Fiock, George, compensation for injury, 258 Fire, loss by, 103 insurance, 173 station, 222 First Street Road, straightening of, 150, 169 Fischmann, E . W., appointment, 109 Fisher, L. N . , degree, 276 Fisher, R. $., appointment, 225 degree, 266 honors, 280 Fischer, W. R., appointment, 259 Fiske, D . L., appointment, 288 Fitch, F . R., degree, 279 Fitch, Hugh, degree, 156 Fitch, M . L., degree, 155 Fitz-Gerald, J. D . , appointment, 40 leave of absence, 153 Fitzgerald, J . E., appointment, 176 Fitz-Gerald, J. P . , appointment, 230 Fjeld, E . J., appointment, 4 3 , 190 Flagg, Elinor B., degree, 276 Flattery, Amanda, appointment, 30, 220 Fleischner, J . E., degree, 278 Fleming, L. A., degree, 268 Fleming, Mildred D . , degree, 263 Fleming, Rex, "appointment, 128, 164 Fleming, V. R., appointment, 240 Flesher, C. E., degree, 264 Fletcher, Elizabeth, appointment, 37, 227 Fletcher, E . C , appointment, 65, 251 Flom, G. T . , appointment, 36, 226 Floriculture, budget, 61 Floro, Martiniano, degree, 270 Flostrom, V. A., degree, 267 Flournoy street land, purchase, 206 Flynn, Gratia, appointment, 60, 248 Flynn, J. F . , degree, 278 Flynn, R . W., degree, 278 Focke, W. J., degree, 279 Fogelson, Rose J., degree, 155 Fogler, M . F . , appointment, 35 degree, 107 fellowship, 195 Fogler, R. W., degree, 275 Foley, Margaret, appointment, 4 1 , 194, 230 Folsom, J . W., appointment, 38, 227 leave of absence, 184 Fonda, J. E., appointment, 70, 255 Fonger, C. A., appointment, 288 Forbes, Eunice, appointment, 27, 217 Ford, Carlotta, appointment, 59, 247 Ford, E . J., appointment, n o Ford, H . L., appointment, n o Ford, K. A., appointment, n degree, 271 honors, 281 Foreign students, fees, 9, 16 Forker, Frances A., degree, 265 Fornoff, C. W., degree, 263 Fortney, Bonnie P . , degree, 105 Foster, Alfhild, degree, 273 Foster, E . E., degree, 264 Foster, F . E., appointment, 5 Foster, G. G., degree, 106 Foster, Grace M . , degree, 263 Foster, I. O., appointment, 45, 235 degree, 108 Foster, S. P . , degree, 266 Foster, W. C., degree, 269 Fox, C. P . , degree, 278 Fox, G. A., appointment, 126 Foxwell, W . H . , appointment, 49, 239 Frain, Nellie M . , appointment, 70, 255 Franklin, E . C , degree, 273 Frankowski, M . H . , degree, 280 Frantz, Helen L., degree, 265 Fraser, W. J., appointment, 57, 245 Freark, C. H., degree, 267 Frederickson, J . B., degree, 264 Freeman and Brooks, final settlement for chemistry building, 18 Freeman, Harriette, appointment, 34, 224 Freeman, Helen B., degree, 264 Freer, Louise, appointment, 64, 194, 250 Freight handling, 222 Freitag, Thusnelda C , degree, 264 French, Margaret, appointment, 259 French, Summer Session salaries, 194 Frick, R. L., appointment, 176 Frier, Pearl E., degree, 265 Frison, T . H., appointment, 201, 228 Fritts, E . C., appointment, 51, 240 Froberg, Eric, appointment, 65, 251 Frost, Oscar, degree, 269 Fruland, R u t h M . , degree, 105 Fry, Grace B., degree, 266 Fryxell, Fritiof M . , scholarship, 195 Fuhr, Clara, appointment, 34, 94, 224 degree, 108 Fulkersoh, Joseph, appointment, 125 Fullenwider, Elizabeth, appointment, 227, 259 Fullenwider, E . L., appointment, n , 37 Fuller, Constance H . , degree, 264 Fulton, Zelda H . , degree, 264 Funk, E., appointment, 84 Furby, R. L., appointment, 109 Gabrielson, F. A., appointment, 126 Gainer, J . F . , appointment, 211 degree, 279 Gaines, W, L. f appointment, 57, 245
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