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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
288 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J ^ e 13, given to the colonnade, and that the building was to be located about thirty feet east of the axis of Washington Park. At this point, at 1 p. m., a recess was taken. AFTERNOON SESSION, J U N E 13, 192a When the Board convened at 5 p. m. after the recess, the same persons were present as during the morning session. The Board continued its consideration of matters presented by the President of the University. REFRIGERATION E Q U I P M E N T FOR H O R T I C U L T U R E B U I L D I N G (18) A statement from the Supervising Architect concerning the bids and contract for the refrigeration equipment for the Horticulture building. Mr. C. A. Petry, Structural Engineer in the Supervising Architect's office, made a statement concerning this matter. On motion of Mr. Trimble, this matter was referred to the President of the University with power to act. D E P A R T M E N T OF P U B L I C W E L F A R E (19) A statement concerning the negotiations with the Department of Public Welfare for a change in the contract (see page 187) This report was received for record. A P P O I N T M E N T S TO FILL VACANCIES The Secretary presented also for record the following list of appointments made by President Kinley: Anderson, C. F., Assistant in English, on one-third time, for ten months, beginning September i, 1922, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a month. (June 8, 1922)* Bridges, G. J., Assistant in Economics, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of sixty dollars (#60) a month. (June 9, 1922) Clark, E. R., Assistant in Physics, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of eighty dollars (#80) a month. (June 6, 1922). Diffenbaugh, G. L., to give instruction in English, on part-time, during the Summer Session of 1922, beginning June 19 and ending August 14, 1922, at a compensation of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for the session. (June 8, 1922). Fiske, D. L., Research Graduate Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, for two years of ten months each, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (June 9, 1922). Forbes, C. A., Assistant in the Classics, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of sixty dollars (#60) a month. (June 9, 1922). Gillette, Gladys M., Stenographer in the office of the Dean of Men, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1922, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (May 27, 1922) Harter, S. P., to give instruction in Entomology, during the Summer Session of 1922, beginning June 19 and ending August 14, 1922, at a compensation of one hundred dollars (#100) for the session. Hield, C. R,, Assistant in Romance Languages, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of one hundred forty dollars (#140) a month. (June 8, 1922) Ingalls, Ida, Assistant in Clothing, in the Department of Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of one hundred eight and one-third dollars (#108,33) a month. (June 9, 1922) *The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University.
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