Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 135 PLYM FELLOWSHIP IN A R C H I T E C T U R E (2) A statement from Dean Richards that there are four graduates of the Department of Architecture who have won the competition for the Plym Traveling Fellowship, but have been unable to take advantage of these fellowships because of the War, and have not yet indicated a desire to meet the conditions attached to the award of the fellowship. I recommend that these four men be notified that unless they are prepared to enter upon the duties required of them under the terms of the award on or before July 1, 1924, the award will be cancelled. On motion of Mr. Abbott, this recommendation was concurred in. FOUR-YEAR CURRICULUM IN LAW ABOLISHED (3) A recommendation from the University Senate that the existing four-year curriculum in law and non-legal subjects be abolished; with the provision that this action shall be effective September 1, 1922, but shall not affect students who at that time are enrolled in this curriculum. On motion of Mrs. Blake, this recommendation was concurred in. R E Q U I R E M E N T S FOR ADMISSION TO COLLEGE O F LAW (4) A recommendation from the University Senate that the following resolution from the faculty of the College of Law be approved. "Resolved, that it is the sense of the Law Faculty that after the present academic year the requirement for admission to the three-year course in the College of Law, as a regular student, should be as follows: "The applicant must be matriculated and have sixty hours credit in a college of this University; or have completed two full years of work as given at another college or university of recognized standing, as a matriculated student in such college or university; or have received by transfer sixty hours of University credit here." On motion of Mr. Blair, this recommendation was adopted. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR S T EBB INS (5) The President announced the resignation of Dr. Joel Stebbins as Professor of Astronomy and head of the department. This report was received for record. SCHOLARSHIPS IN T H E COLLEGE O F M E D I C I N E The following statement: The Comptroller reports that #7,500 worth of the mortgage bonds on the Medical Building were investments of various trust funds received by the University from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, as follows: Emily W, L. Schofield Scholarship—#2,000—in behalf of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the College of Medicine. Under the agreement, this scholarship continues. Robert Laughlin Rea Scholarships—#3,500—in the College of Medicine. Under the arrangements made, this scholarship is still running. Scholarship of Woman*s Board of Missions of the Congregational Church—#2,000— in the College of Medicine. Bonds representing investments of the above sums were the property of the College of Medicine and included, as remarked above, in the mortgage bonds of the College. This mortgage having been paid off, these bonds should be reinvested. I recommend that the Treasurer of the University be directed, under the advice of the Finance Committee, to reinvest the funds received from the sale of the bonds held under the first and second scholarships named above (Schofield and Rea). (6)