Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 105 Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Noble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Small, Mr. Trimble. DEGREES CONFERRED IN OCTOBER, 1 9 2 1 On recommendation of President Kinley, it was voted to confer degrees as of October 12, 1921, on the following list of candidates approved by the University Senate: T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL The Degree of Master of Arts In Education FLEMIN WILLETT COX, A.B., 1908 In English ADAH ELIZABETH MILLIGAN, A.B., Monmouth College, 1914 The Degree of Master of Science In Botany JERRY SOTOLA, B.S., 1918 In Chemistry MIRIAM GERTRUDE BUCK, A.B., 1920 GEORGE HENRY CHENEY, B.S., University of Maine, 1919 HAYES TRYFORD DARBY, B.S., Ohio State University, 1912 In Bacteriology JAMES DUNCAN BREW, B.S., Cornell University, 1912 In Electrical Engineering Yoso NAITO, Kogakusi Tohoku Imperial University, 1913 The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Chemistry ROBERT EDMAN GREENFIELD, A.B., Kansas University, 1914, A.M., 1916 T H E COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES The Degree of Bachelor of Arts In General Course DONALD MORRISON BYERS JOHN H A L CONNOR HERBERT SPENCER DAVIS ADA ELIZABETH DONAHUE RUTH MYRTLE FRULAND ALMA LYDIA GALSTER PERRY A. GLICK HANSON WRIGHT HARTS ALBERTA HUGHES HENRY GORDON HULLFISH CHUNG S U HUANG LYMAN HALL JENKINS EARL HENRY LEMENAGER CHARLES PIERSON LEONARD ROBERT FILLMORE LOVETT MARGARET LESLIE MILES ROSWELL STANDISH NOTHWANG ELIZA RUTH PENDRY HENRY ADELBERT RITCHER ROLLS CLIFTON SAYRE CHRISTOPHER VICTOR ST. CARDOSI CLARA EVA TILLOTSON CHARLES LUCAS WILDER In Home BEULAH ADELIA POTTER Economics The Degree of Bachelor of Science In General Course BONNIE PEARL FORTNEY In AMBROSE ALLEN ARNOLD HERMANN CONRAD HECKEL Chemistry JOHN BREWSTER HOFFMAN TAKEO OTSUBO ABE MORRIS SAX