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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
68 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Salary $300 900 80 750 $15,000 $2,000 1,190 500 100 $3,790 $320 1,500 $1,820 $400 200 $600 $990 220 $1,210 $600 720 500 96 384 150 $2,450 Student Assistants Harold Ets, Assistant (1 yr.) J. Nilson, Demonstration in Non-Pharmacal Therapeutics (1 yr.) , Mechanic [}/% time; 1 yr.) Total, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica Library Metta M. Loomis, Librarian (C. S.) Margaret M. Bates, Assistant Librarian (C S.) Student Help , Stenographer (part time) Total, Library Medicine Four Instructors in Review Courses, 40 hours each at $2.00 per hour.. Assistant in Medical Research (1 yr.) Total, Medicine Obstetrics , Instructor in Laboratory Course in Obstetrics (1 yr.). , Instructors in Review Courses, 100 hours at $2.00 an hour Total, Obstetrics Ophthalmology Margaret A. Heath, Instructor (lA time; 1 yr.) Special Clerical Help Total, Ophthalmology Surgery -, Associate in Surgical Pathology (part time; 1 yr.) Clara G. Gottschalk, Instructor in Surgery (part time; 1 yr.) , , Assistant in Experimental Surgery (part time; 1 yr.).. Karl Meyer, Instructor in Review Course, $2.00 an hour, 48 hours . . . , Instructor in Review Course, 192 hours at $2.00 an hour Assistants, (Student) Total, Surgery COLLEGE OF D E N T I S T R Y Summary Administration Business Practise English Histology Histology and Drawing Infirmary Jurisprudence *See Explanatory Note, page 5 Expense and Salaries Equipment1 Total $7,620 $6,175 $13,795 100 100 3,000 100 3,100 4,728 500 5,228 6,920 100 10,000 16,920 100
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