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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
66 BOARD OF TRUSTEES COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Summary Salaries [August 1 Expense and Equipment1 $9,750 6,800 6,720 8,500 6,500 2,630 3,950 1,690 5,600 3,400 650 1,200 2,500 2,500 $62,390 Administration $16,485 Anatomy 32,420 Pathology and Bacteriology 24,280 Physiological Chemistry and Physiology..... 27,539 Library 3,790 Medicine 1,820 Obstetrics 600 Ophthalmology 1,210 Pharmacology 15,000 Surgery 2,450 Dermatology 650 Graduate School Laryngology Gynecology Totals. Administration $125,594 Total $26,235 39,220 31,000 36,039 10,290 4,450 4,550 2,900 20,600 5,850 650 1,200 2,500 2,500 $187,984 Salary A. C. Eycleshymer, Dean (1 yr.) and Professor of Anatomy (Indef.).. $1,0002 W. H. Browne, Secretary (C. S.) 2,5003 Esther Broday, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) 1,380 Dispensary , Roentgenologist (1 yr.) , Assistant in Roentgenolgy (1 yr.) Rachel Warren, Dispensary Clerk (C. S.) Inez Baker, Dispensary Nurse (C. S.) Clara M. Lowe, Dispensary Nurse (C. S.) Frances C. Craig, Dispensary Nurse (C. S ) Dorothy Colman, Dispensary Nurse (C. S.) G. J. Burkhardt, Druggist (C. S.) Total, Administration Anatomy A. C. Eycleshymer, Professor (Indef.) and Dean (1 yr.) O. E Kampmeier, Associate Professor (1 yr.) R. L. Moodie^ Associate Professor (1 yr.) A. R. Cooper, Assistant Professor ( ^ time, plus tuition and laboratory fees ) (1 yr.) O. E. Nadeau, Associate (lA time; 1 yr.) — , Instructor (1 yr.) , , Instructor (1 yr.) , Instructor (1 yr.) L. N. Boelio, Assistant and Chief Technician (1 yr.) T. S. Jones, Artist and Instructor (K time; 1 yr.) Genevieve Meakin, Artist (J^ time; 10 mos.) »See Explanatory Note, page 23. 2As Professor of Anatomy, 37000, Dean 31000, total 38000; 3 As Business Manager, Chicago Departments, 32500; .total 35000. $3,500 725 930 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380 930 $16,485 $7,0002 4,500 4,500 850 1,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,800 1.200 750
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