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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
56 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Salary 2,160 1,370 $98,850 7,500 ($91,350) 1,200 1,500 1,380 1,320 1,200 1,020 840 1>020 (9,480) $100,830 W. S. Malloch, Associate, Plant Breeding (C. & S.) (2 yrs from Septc 1, 1921) Mrs. C. G. Hopkins, Allowance Less Smith-Lever Clerical , Secretary (C. S.) Nellie G. Boucher, Editorial Assistant (C. S.) Lillian Hixson, Junior Accountant (C. S.) Sybil K. Nagle, Stenographer (C. S.) Alice N. Smith, Stenographer (C. S.) Katherine L. Templin, Stenographer (C S.) Edna E. Koch, Stenographer (C. S.) — Stenographer (C. S ) Total, Agronomy Animal Husbandry H. W. Mumford, Professor, Animal Husbandry (C) Chief, Animal Husbandry (S) (Indef.) $7,000* H. P. Rusk, Professor, Cattle Husbandry ($4,500) (C) Chief, Cattle Husbandry (S) Acting Head to March 1, 1922 ($500) (Indef.) 5,000 J. L. Edmonds, Professor, Horse Husbandry (C) Chief Horse Husbandry (S) (Indef.). 4,500 H. S. Grindley, Professor, Animal Nutrition (C) Chief, Animal Nutrition (S) (Indef.) 2,000 Robert Graham, Professor, Animal Pathology (C) Chief, Animal Pathology (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1919) 5,000* J. A. Detlefsen, Professor, Genetics (C) Chief, Genetics (S) (3 yrs. fromSept. 1,1919) 3,250 W. H. Smith, Associate Professor, Animal Husbandry Extension (E) Associate Chief, Animal Husbandry Extension (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 3,7504 H. H. Mitchell, Associate Professor, Animal Nutrition (C) Associate Chief, Animal Nutrition (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 3,500 R. R. Snapp, Assistant Professor, Animal Husbandry (C) Assistant Chief, Beef Cattle Husbandry (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1 , 1 9 2 0 ) . . . . . . . 3,300 Elmer Roberts, Assistant Professor, Genetics (C) Assistant Chief, Genetics (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 3,000 Sleeter Bull, Assistant Professor, Animal Nutrition (C) Assistant Chief, Animal Nutrition (S) (3 yrs. from Sept. 1,1921) 3,200 J. B. Rice, Associate, Swine Husbandry (C. & S.) (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 2,800 W. G. Kammlade, Associate, Sheep Husbandry (C. & S.) (2 yrs. from Sept. 1,1920) 2,800 I. B. Boughton, Associate, Animal Pathology (C. & S.) (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 2,700 W. A. Allison, Associate, Animal Husbandry (C. & S.) (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1920) 3756 T. S. Hamilton, First Assistant, Animal Nutrition (S) (1 yr.) 2,000 beginning on his return, March 1, 1922. 2 On leave, half pay. s Paid $1,800 by Smith-Lever. *Paid from Smith-Lever. fl On leave of absence to Jan. 1,1922, with half pay.
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