Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1920] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 21 On motion of Mr. Abbott, this matter was referred to the President of the Board and the President of the University, with power to act. PURCHASE O F SEWING MACHINE FOR PRINT SHOP (26) A request from Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Director of the University Press, for an appropriation of $1,850 to purchase one No. 16 Smythe sewing machine for the print shop. Mr. Cunningham recommends that $500 of the price be charged to the Press appropriation, $500 to the revolving fund, and that $850 be transferred from the appropriation made for printing the announcement of courses, to make up the necessary amount. This purchase was authorized. D E L E G A T I O N O F S I G N A T U R E O F P R E S I D E N T CARR A request from the Comptroller that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the President of the Board of Trustees be authorized to delegate to the Assistant Auditor in the Business Office, authority to sign his name to vouchers against the State Auditor, and to warrants on the University Treasurer^ (26) On motion of Mr. Abbott, this resolution was adopted. COLLECTION O F DELFT FROM M R S . G R E G O R Y The following statement: Carrying out the intention of her mother, Dr. Allene Gregory has offered the University as a permanent loan a collection of delft pottery made by her mother when the latter was giving instruction in ceramic art in the University. The collection which was made by Mrs. Gregory and Professor Kenis in Holland consists of fourteen plates, three small pitchers, two vases, one cup, and about a dozen pieces of tile. The curator of the Museum of European Culture states that the collection as a whole is of decided interest and value. Mrs. Gregory wanted this collection left with the University as a permanent loan because apparently she has been impressed with the fact that the valuable collection of casts and pictures which was donated to the University has, for lack of a museum building, been dispersed and badly taken care of. I recommend the acceptance as a permanent loan. (28) This permanent loan was accepted and the Secretary was instructed to express to Dr. Gregory the appreciation of the Board for her action in the matter. AMENDMENT O F PROBATION RULE The following statement: At the meeting of June 2, 1920 (see page 781), there was presented a recommendation from the Senate that our Probation Rule be amended by the addition of the following paragraph: " A student who fails in any semester to carry at least six hours of the work for which he was regularly registered (military and physical training not included) shall be dropped." At that meeting there was presented with this recommendation from the Senate an expression of opinion from the Council of Administration unfavorable to the adoption of such a rule at the present time. Since then the matter, has been up for further discussion in both the Senate and the Council, and the two bodies have reached an agreement. Both of them now recommend the adoption of the amendment. (29) On motion of Mr. Abbott, this amendment was adopted.