Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

202 (3) BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 8, P O R T R A I T O F PROFESSOR ISABEL BEVIER The following statement: Several years ago the Home Economics alumnae initiated the movement to have a portrait of Professor Isabel Bevier painted for presentation to the University in recognition of her services as Director of the Home Economics Department. The matter was recently pushed to a conclusion. Mr. Louis Betts of New York City was chosen as the artist, and the portrait is now completed. Miss Ada E. Hunt of the Department of Home Economics is chairman of the committee, and for the committee and the alumnae of the Department offers the portrait to the University. By virtue of the authority the Board has given me in such matters, I have accepted it in the name of the University. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this portrait was accepted, and the President of the University was requested to express to the donors the appreciation of the Board for the gift. A P P O I N T M E N T O F PROFESSOR H A R N O (4) A request for authority to appoint Mr. Albert J. Harno to be Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of $4500 a year. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this appointment was authorized. REALIZATION OF F E E S (5) A report from the Comptroller showing the estimated and actually realized fees in the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy for the year 1920-21; also a statement of fees collected for the second semester of 1920-21. REALIZATION OF FEES COLLEGES OF MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, AND PHARMACY 1920-21 ESTIMATED ACTUAL Enrollment Scholarship Fees Enrollment Scholarship Fees 345 50 49 500 T313 91 36 839 250 65 34 500(1) {229 48 32 530 175 30 17 200 1208 40 15 452 770 145' 101 200 7504 1793 84 821 College of Medicine College of Dentistry 2 School of Pharmacy Total STUDENT FEES COLLECTED ON ACCOUNT OF SECOND SEMESTER 1920-21 Collections Urbana Departments 1. General Fees 2. Laboratory Fees. Deposits Urbana Departments ...$130 276 50 Voucher No. 244 31 592 60 February 5th $ 4 971 40 figures taken from enrollment of first semester 1920-21. 2 Estimate made by Mr. Morey on 9-18-20; Dean Moorehead in his estimate of March 16, 1920 gives the following figures: Enrollment, 320; fees, 345,270. •Total value of these scholarships, 320,340. •Enrollment for the second semester is as follows: Medicine, 296; Dentistry, 208, Pharmacy, 161; Total, 665.