Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TELEGRAM FROM MR. CARR 199 President Kinley read a telegram expressing good wishes from Mr, Robert F. Carr, retiring President of the Board. The President of the University was requested to express to Mr. Carr the thanks of the Board for his interest. L E T T E R FROM D E T R O I T CITY PLAN COMMISSION President Kiriley read also a letter from the Detroit City Plan Commission commending the work of the Department of Horticulture and particularly the Division of Landscape Architecture. Several of the graduates of this division have worked with the Detroit Commission. This letter was received for record. M E E T I N G S OF C O M M I T T E E O N B U I L D I N G S A N D G R O U N D S The Secretary presented for record reports of two meetings of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, held on February 26 and March 2, 1921. A meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee was held in the Trustees' Room at the University of Illinois, Saturday, February 26, 1921. Present: W. L. Abbott, chairman; Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Evans; and Mrs. Busey, who was invited to sit with the Committee. The Committee authorized the purchase of a lot on Gregory Street in Champaign, at a price not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). The Committee gave consideration to certain necessary improvements in our campus and buildings, and indicated that they would be glad to have more complete plans and specifications prepared for the following projects with a view to their later approval, if funds should be available: (1) Additional lockers and showers in the Women's Gymnasium. (2) Moving the Physical Plant storeroom to the old Boiler House. (3) The installation of a water-purifying plant, including additional water mains and pumps. (4) A steam tunnel connecting the new boiler house with the tunnel to the South Campus. (5) The ventilation of the Auditorium and also of the large lecture rooms on the Campus. (6) Improvements in the lighting of certain buildings, including outside lighting fixtures, and extensions of the campus lighting system. (7) The completion of the wide concrete walk which now extends half way from University Hall to the Co-op corner, and the concreting of the walks in front of the Men's Gymnasium. The Committee also approved the proposed location for the 500 k.w. turbo* generator. JAMES M. WHITE Secretary pro tempore