Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMPTROLLER'S REPORT January 25, President Kinley presented also for record the report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending December 31, 1920. REALIZATION O F INCOME AS AT D E C E M B E R 31, 1920 Original Budget Estimate Received to date 16 50 15 105 225 000 000 748 33 00 00 42 Remarks Federal Interest on Endowment fund . . , Morrill and Nelson Hatch and Adams Smith-Lever Smith Hughes State Mill Tax Appropriation t State Live Stock Biological Laboratory 32 50 30 211 16 450 000 000 496 500 65 00 00 84 00 2 500 000 00 11 500 00 370 300 00 100 000 00 60 000 00 3 382 247 49 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1920-1921 AS A T D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 1920 Salaries N o t collectible until close of year 2 621 854 67 Mill t a x receipts 8 936 30 222 261 32 57 064 27 24 021 21 3 121 111 52 Student Fees Urbana Chicago Sales and Miscellaneous General Totals , Expense and Equipment 49 77 24 27 175 760 135 929 00 00 00 00 Total 170 232 24 27 215 465 135 929 00 00 00 00 General Administrative Offices General Departments. Publications General Expense Physical Plant, Land and Buildings Totals, General. . Colleges and Schools Urbana-Champaign Liberal Arts and Sciences (a) Agriculture College and Station Smith-Lever Commerce Engineering Graduate School Education University Smith-Hughes , 121 040 00 154 705 00 20 000 00 (295 745 00) 449 198 48 (628 197 48) 469 198 48 (923 942 48) 554 190 00 347 484 00 186 060 00 (533 544 00) 84 270 00 355 160 00 27 650 00 48 450 00 24 240 00 (72 690 00) 26 050 00 10 690 00 25 770 00 (1 690 014 00) 95 180 00 180 486 32 25 436 84 (205 923 16) 5 400 00 76 500 00 18 950 00 10 716 45 4 705 00 (15 421 45) 7 650 00 950 00 2 100 00 35 000 00 (463 074 61) 649 370 00 527 970 32 211 496 84 (739 467 16) 89 670 00 431660 00 46 600 00 59 166 45 28 945 00 (88 111 45) 33 700 00 11640 00 27 870 00 35 000 00 (2 153 088 61) ,. Law Library School Music Summer Session Totals, Urbana and Champaign.. . . "(a) Excluding Receipts (estimated 3202,600 00) and balances £42,544,50