Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
116 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PROFESSOR POMEROY A P P O I N T E D TO ACCOUNTANCY C O M M I T T E E November 19, (19) A report that Professor John N, Pomeroy had been appointed a member of the University Committee on Accountancy in place of Dean H. W. Ballantine- This report was received for record. C A M P U S COMMISSION At this point, Mrs. Blake presented for the Campus Plan Commission the following recommendations for the fixing of basic features of a permanent campus plan. A. That a central mall be developed from the Auditorium to the cemetery having for its axis, the meridian through the center of the Auditorium. B. That a cross axis practically on the center line of the present Parade Ground be extended from Lincoln Avenue to First Street. E. That a Parade Grouad of approximately the present size be retained south of the Armory. F. That an Engineering College group be planned west of the Parade Ground between First and Fourth Streets. H. That the entire area between First Street and the Illinois Central Railroad, and from Armory Avenue south to our present holdings, be reserved for athletic and military activities. I. That the development west and east of the cemetery be about an east and west axis through the cemetery approximately on its center line. J. That an Agricultural College group be planned east of the cemetery and west of Lincoln Avenue. K. That the new Horticultural Building be erected on the proposed location, which is a knoll approximately 1000 feet east of Lincoln Avenue and 500 feet south of the north line of the Horticultural 320 acres. On motion of Mrs. Blake, these recommendations were adopted. Q U A R T E R L Y M E E T I N G TO B E H E L D IN CHICAGO It was voted to hold the next quarterly meeting at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 avm. on Tuesday, December 14, 1920. At this point, President Carr, asking Mrs. Busey to take the chair, withdrew. The Board continued the consideration of matters presented by President Kinley. MEMORIAL TO K A T H E R I N E L. S H A R P (20) A design for a memorial to Miss Katherlne L. Sharp, first Director of the Library School.