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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
WQ8% UKJ^BRSiTY €>>F JLEJNOIS 113 ©fo motion of M F . Bkir, the action of October 16, 1918, was rescinded, and the matter was referred to the President of the Board and the President of the University for further inquiry. BUDGET ASKINGS, 1 9 2 1 - 2 3 (J»5)» , Abvdfgpk ©I profKasesd* requests !fm sfcafce appropriations for the biennium beginning Jktiky; 1,1921> prepared for submission to the General Assembly through the State Department of Finance,, and carrying a total of 310,500,000 foruhe biennium. On request of President Kinley, Professor E. J. Townsend, in-the absence of Dean Babeock, presented the needs of the College of Libera! Arts and Sciences; Dean Thompson, of the College of Commerce; Dean Davenport, of the College of Agriculture; Dean Richards, of the College of Engineering; and Director Wfetdsor, of the Library and the Library School. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the proposed budget was approved and adopted as the; request of AetUniversity to the; General Assembly. CONTRACT F0R<BREEZ>INQ E X P E R I M E N T S WITH HAMPSHIRE SWINE (16) A copy* of a contract* which we? have executed under the new reflations in Eegaa?ek to coafcraets^ to undertake certain breeding; experiments with- Hampshire, swine to be furnished to the University for this purpose by Mr. Samuel Patton* of Paxton. CONTRACT WHEREAS Samuel Paxton ofi Paxton, Illinois, desires the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to tw*dferta&e certain breeding experiments with Hampshire swine for scientific purposes; and WHEREAS the said Pafttoa is willing to furnish the animals necessary for such experiments and the said Board through the Animal Husbandry Department of its said University is Willing to conduct such experiments: It is mutually agreed between the said Samuel Patton, hereinafter called the first party, and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois^, kereinafter called the second party..— (1) That the first party shall furnish and deliver to the second party at its farm in Champaign County, Illinois, in such numbers, at such: times and at such barns as the second party shall designate, all animals necessary for such experiments. (2) The animals so fmmishsd shaU remain the property of the first, party, but that all cross-breeds, resuming, from matangs in the experiments shall be the property of the second party. (3) The first party shall pay for the feed of all ammals furnished by him as provided by paragraph (1), the cost of the same to be estimated by an employee in the Animal Husbandry Department of said University and paid by the first party on the basis of such estk&ate. (4) The second party shall house and* paroperly care for all animals furnished by the first party, but shall h& respcweiUe. «nly for reasonable care.
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