Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 12, able that the Trustees should visit and inspect the sites recommended for the new feeding plant and the new horticulture plant; also the Kerr woods and the Brownfield woods, two tracts of land three and one-half miles northeast of Urbana, which have been offered to the University by their owners and which are recommended for purchase by the departments of botany, entomology, and zoology. Accordingly a recess was taken until 3 p. m. and these sites were visited and inspected. After the recess, the same persons were present as during the morning session. MATTERS SUBMITTED BY T H E PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY The Executive Committee considered the following matters submitted by President James. RESIGNATION OF DR. CASEY A. WOOD PRESENTED (1) The resignation of Dr. Casey A. Wood as professor of ophthalmology in the College of Medicine. As Dr. Wood's appointment was for one year only and expired on August 31, 1916, a resignation was not in order. As it was our intention to nominate Dr. Wood for the coming year, this resignation has been taken as an indication that he would not accept reappointment. I request authority to appoint Dr. Wood as professor of ophthalmology and head of the department for the academic year beginning September 1, 1916, with leave of absence until the close of the year. This request was granted. EDUCATION BUILDING (2) A statement concerning plans for the Education Building submitted by Holat>ird, Roche, & Co., of Chicago. Professor White explained the details of these plans. An extended discussion took place covering the merits of the plans and the financial ability of the University to adopt them and carry them through. It was finally voted to ask Professor White to consult with the architects again to see whether he could not find a simpler and less expensive plan, and to report at the next meeting of the Board. DELEGATION OF SIGNING WARRANTS (3) A statement concerning the need for the delegation of the power to sign the names of the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees to warrants on the Treasurer of the University and to vouchers on the Auditor of Public Accounts. This matter was discussed at length, but no action was taken.