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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
90 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 21, Schedule 301 T R U S T S F U N D TRANSACTIONS AS AT J U N E 30, 1916 Balance | Receipts July 1, 'IS I July-June Total Receipts Disbursements July-June Trust Funds B'nai Brith Prize Fund i 10 00 10 10 00 Library Fund 50 50 00 40 73 Bryan Prize 250 250 00 Class of 1895 Loan Fund 5 81 Interest 5 30 00 30 Principal 25 00 78 Graduate Club Loan F u n d 1 Interest 1 23 Principal 103 90 00 103 25 McKinley Loan Fund 488 Interest 488 87 42 44 3,872 Principal , 3,621 10 1,330 00 251 02 Margaret L. James Loan Fund 233 69 286 Interest 52 79 125 00 2,763 20 3,172 Principal 409 52 1,100 00 Plym Fellowship 56 00 56 Interest 44 96 2,000 00 1,000 00 3,000 Principal ,976 00 Snyder Loan Fund 532 28 19 504 80 Interest 600 00 642 17 4,142 42 4,784 Principal 1,775 00 Woman's League Fund 4 46 4 Interest 18 83 413 395 00 Principal 100 100 00 Wilson Lectureship 100 00 Trust Deposits ; American Tar Products Co. & 21 60 American Creosoting Co 500 00 500 00 Assn. of Mfgrs. of Chilled 202 75 662 80 662 80 Car Wheels 380 50 380 50 J. D. Crawford Fund 350 00 1,425 00 2,325 00 Graduate School Theses 900 00 100 00 100 00 Irish Fellowship Foundation50 001 50 00 Irish Lit., Hist, and Art 113 00 300 00 Key Deposits , 51 25 187 00 50 00 50 00 Llewellyn Prize 17,017 35 17,017 35 17,031 55 Military Suits 3,593 75 3,353 70 3,264 30 Parr Deposits 329 45 880 00 829 001 1,130 75; Towel Fund 301 75 Totals * Overdraft. |$ 7,938 43|$35,334 85|$43,273 28|$35,149 98]$ 8,123 30
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