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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX Whitney, J. L., degree, 354 Whitney, L. H., appointment, 331 degree, 357 Whitney, M. R., degree, 819 final honors, 832 Whitson, Anne, 24, appointment, 466, 670, 681 Whitten, Jennie A., degree, 352, 826 Whitteh Mabel D., degree, 817 Whittington, O. H., degree, 363 Whittmer, L. W., appointment, 120 Whitver, H. C , deg ree, 819 Wichers, Edward, degree, 369 •* • Wichmann, G. C , appointment, 37, 479 Wiebe, H. H., appointment, 35 Wien, J. H., degree, 820 Wilder, R. E., degree, 824 Wikoff, Ruth I., degree, 817 Wilcox, R. H., 492, appointment, 49 Wilde, W. C , compensation for injuries, 3 Wilder, R. E., appointment, 559 Wiles, Bertha H., degree, 352 Wiley, C. C , 484, appointment, 41 Wijey, E. J., degree, 829 W. ley, Harry, degree, 385, 604 W'ilford, R. N., degree, 359 Wilkerson, Mabel, 496 Wilkins, J. E., degree, 816 honors, 831 scholarship, 767 Willard, A. C , 484, appointment, 42 Willard, C. J., degree, 366 Williams, Anna W., appointment, 53 Williams, C. A., appointment, 35, 478, 761 degree, 355 Williams, E. H., 487, appointment, 44, 763 Williams, G. A., degree, 817 scholarship, 767 Williams, Grace E., degree, 817 Williams, Helen J., degree, 816 honors, 831 Williams, L. W., appointment, 574, 761 Williams, Margaret, appointment, 27, 469 Williams, M. E., degree, 362 Williams, W. L, appointment, 116, 559 Williams, W. L., degree, 366 Williamson, C. S., appointment, 117 Williamson, E. W., degree, 362 Williamson, P., appointment, 32, 475 Willis, H. H., appointment, 288, 734 degree, 824 Williston, S. A., appointment, 524 Willits, Ward M., degree, 819 Wilson, A. C , commission, 373 degree, 356 Wilson, Carna E., appointment, 169 Wilson, C. H., degree, 363 Wilson, F. S., appointment, 119, 515 Wilson, G. C , degree, 356 Wilson, Isabelle, appointment, 468 Wilson, J. F., degree, 363 Wilson, L. A., appointment, 45, 574 Wilson, L. T., appointment, 36 Wilson, President, invited for Semi-Centennial, 237 Wilson, W. C , appointment, 575, 681 Wilson, W. H., degree, 369 Wilson, W. M., appointment, 41 leave of absence, 672 Wilson, Winifred, degree, 816 Windsor, P. L., 498, appointment, 25, 55, 468 leave of absence, 616, 672 letter, purchase of books abroad, 205 report on collections by, 105 Winkelmann, H. A., appointment, 32,169 fellowship, 284 Winsberg, Harry, degree, 363 Winship, Mary A., degree, 818 Wintermute, Imogene, appointment, 169, 468, 575 Winters, L. M., degree, 819 867 Wirt, Verna E., degree, 353 Wirth, F. P., degree, 540, 827 fellowship, 766 Wirth, W. V., degree, 353 final honors, 371 special honors, 371 Wischnia, Louis, degree, 825 Wisegarver, Elizabeth P., degree, 353 Witbeck, Helen E., degree, 817 Woerman, Lillian H., degree, 818 Wojniak, Frank, degree, 362 Woleben, W, T., degree, 822 Wolf, Elsa C , degree, 540 Wolf, W. S., 483, appointment, 40 Wolff, Aline J., degree, 818 Women cooperative houses, 416 Dean of, 455, 47 appointment authorized, 5 expense, 12, 455 pharmacy loan fund for, 297 physical training for, expense, 12 salaries, 28, 471 Women's Clubs gymnasium, caretaker, 186 Illinois Federation, 133 resolutions, 206 Women's residence hall, 197, administration, 273, 293 assigned as barracks, 543 completion of, 383 corner stone, 133, electrical contract, 2 furnishings, 338 social head, 232 use of aviation school, 381 Women students, local residence, 203 Wong, Marvin Yik Hsen, degree, 819 Wonsetler, J. B., appointment, 36 Woo, Yin, degree, 354 Wood, C. A., appointment, 96, 117, 681 resignation presented, 96 resignation, 297 Wood, G. W., degree, 825 Wood, H. A., degree, 824 Wood, R. S. & Co., contract, Pharmacy building, 2 Woodbridge, H. E., appointment, 575 Woodcock, Helen E., degree, 353 Woodham, H. C , degree, 359 . Woodnick, G. W., appointment, 119 Woodrow, R. B., degree, 649, 830 Woods, A. C , Jr., degree, 357 Woods, Frances O., degree, 817 Woods, Lenna, degree, 817 Woods, Lois M., degree, 361 Woods, R., appointment, 479, 681 Woods, R. A., degree, 824 Woods, R. C , degree, 359 Woods, R. J., degree, 354 Woodward, L. R., appointment, 211 Woodyatt, H. F., degree, 354 Woolston, W. J., appointment, 575 Worner, H. H., degree, 822 Wright, Agnes, appointment, 70, 575 Wright, A. W., appointment, 575 Wright, G. E., appointment, 56 Wright, J. W., degree, 355 Wright, Mabelle G., 498, appointment, 55 Wright, Maude H., appointment, 621, 776 Wright, Mildred, degree, 822, 828 final honors, 832 scholarship, 285 Wright, W. E., degree, 824 Wu, W. Y., degree, 356 Wyatt, F. A., 490, appointment, 48, 759 Wyeth, Ola M., appointment, 27, 470 Wyle, A. R., degree, 825
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