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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX Seaborg, Elm, a p p o ^ m ^ U& Seabright, J. E , , ^ B O i M J . W Seal, change p r o p o s ^ , \ty use forbidbisru # Seaplane to be Tent, 413 Searle, T . G., degree, m Sears, G. W., appointment, $\, 27§. 474 Sears, Sarah H., scholarship, 285 Seavey, H . R., degree, W Secrest, P . J., degree, 3o3> Secretary, delegation of sigiisttusfc, 247 of the Board, elected, 246 Securities, list of, 340 Seely, F . B., 4 8 | , appqmtment, 44 Seibert, L. A f , 4§gree, SM Seifert, H . F., degree, %% fellowship, 28J Seiler, E . F., 487 Seilin, Joseph, appointment, 120 Seitz, Eugene, appointment, 2$l Sekine, Sentaro, degree, 369 Sellner, Edna, degree, 352 Selzer, L. J., degree, 819 Semi-centennial ceiebra^ipri, 65, 66, 196, 456 postponed, 385 President Wilspn. invited. 231 seal and medal, 174 Senate expense, 12;, 455, degrees conferred, 236 recommendations, busiaesg. subjects for missjpjas 2r3;i> Senear, Frances E., appointment, 167, 517 Sense, Mattie A., degree, 360 ~ Senty, M . J., degtee^ 82-5, Sered, Harry, degree, 362 Seris, H „ appointment, 5.72, Severns, W. H . , 48J ? a^ppmtrnent, W Senerian, A. %.,, fcchpiarsjilp, 76.7 Sexsmith, Edna K., appointment, 288 degree, 824 Seymour, A. R>, appointment, 25, S7, 46& 480 Seymour, Lurene, appointment, 53 Seyster, E . W „ degree, 366 Shadduck, R. E., appointment, 68Q Shaffer, O. V., appointment, 5/2 Shaffner, P . F., appointment, 517 Shalek, V. J., degree, 363 Shapiro, A., B'nai B'rith Prize, 832 Shapiro, L. H . , degree, 363 Sharer, D . D., commission, 373 Sharon Coal Co., contract with, 101 Sharp, Bertha L., appointment, 26Sharp, J. C , degree, 359, ' Sharp, Catherine £., mempria.1. tablet, 59 Sharp, W. R., scholarship, 2&5 Shaver, R. C , degree, 825 Shaw, F . W., degree, 35p Shaw, I ^ z e J Y.* ^BBoin.tment, 27. i 7 0 Shaw, Helen B., degree, 818 Shaw, J. B., aoppintn^eat, 36, 478, 762 Shawl, R. I., 491, appointment, 48, Shay, M a r y Lucille, apppintn^rit, 57? degree, 351 honors, 371 Sheaff, R. P., degree, 822 %m%k h %> MOTP&PJ, 7S4 Sheets, ft. M., degree, 359 Sheffer, W. H., degree, 822 Sheldon, H- I-,. &mm> 820 Shelford, V. £., 4$0, a^pefctrfle^, 3& Shelton, G. R ^ a^pQJ^trr^t^ 767 Shelton, Wilma L," appomtment, 25, 46$,. 572^ degree 823 communication, 618 Shepard, W . € ^ a ^ p i r ^ m e n j , . 2£Q> 572 Sheppard, C. H., degree, 3^9, 061 *d- Sheridan, M a r y B., degree, 352 Sherman, R. I., degree, 363 Sherman, S. P., appointment, 33, 47$ Sherrick, J. C , degree, 355 final honors, 372 Sherwood, F . F?» appointment 328 Shewhart, W . A., appointment, 44 Shields, Mabelle M., appointment, 399 Shindler, H . A., degree, 825 Shing, Chi Ting, degree, 821 Shoemaker, F . G., appointment, 775 Shonkwiler, F . L., degree, 821 Shonle, H . A., degree, 367 fellowship, 284 Shorthand for admission, 235 Shott, Ruth E., degree, 353. Showers, T . J., appointment, 56 salary, 637 Shriver, Helen E „ degree, 650, 83Q Shulters, J. R., 480, appointment, 572 degree, 829 Shup, L. E., degree, 817 Shy, F . S., degree, 819 final honors, 832 Siegmund, H . O., 504, appointment, 629, 775 commission, 373 degree, 356, final honors, 372 scholarship, 284 special honors, 371 Siegrist, D . C , degree, 822 Siever, C. H., degree, 367 Signor, Nelle M-> appointment, 26, 469 degree, 361 Sikucka, Jeanctte II., degree, 825 Sill, G. W., appointment, 733 Silver, M . G., degree, 352 Simonds, E . F., appointment, 572 Simmonds, W . E., appointment, 111, 167 Simmons, D . F., degree, 650, 83 \ Simmons, Gertrude, appointment, 68Q Simons, Rayna D., degree, 352 Sims, C. E., appointment, 475, 572 Simpson, E . B., degree, 361 Simpson, Frances, 55, 498 Simpson, H . W., appointment, 572 Simpson, L. F., appointment, 572, 629 commission, 373 degree, 357 final honors, 372 special honors, 371 Simpson, Nelle L., degree, 360 Simpson, S. S., degree, 352, 365 Simpson, T . M., degree, 359 Singer, H . D., appointment, 167, 515, 680 Singh, C. J., degree, 356 Sinnock, Ellen F., appointment, 629, 680 Sinnock, Julia E., appointment, 56 Sipe, R. E., degree, 822 Sippy, A. B., appointment, 167 Sippy, B. O., appointment, 559 degree, 363 Sisam, C. H., appointment, 36, 478, 762 Sisson, O. U., appointment t o Pharmacy board, 408 Sites, inspection of, 96 Skarstedt, Marcus, appointment, 27 Skiles, J. H., appointment, 516 Skinner, Glenn S., apppintment, 31 degree, 369 / ' Skinner, J. G., letter, orthopedic hospital, 254 Slack, W. S., degree, 820 Slade, Katherine C , degree, 817 Sladek, E . F., degree, 824 Sladek, G. E., degree, 355 scholarship, 284
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