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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
WW£ Royster, H . R., degree. 362 Rubin, E . A., degr&;]"$6%•' Rubright, F . L., appointment, 288 degree, 824 Ruckmich, C. A., appointment, 37, 479, 733, 763 Rudolfs, Willem, 491 "*' " l " ' '' '' "^ ' Rudolph, Lpuis, appointment, 119 Rudwin; S . JT, 's^omt^M, '3^ 478 exemption from draft,1S35 ' Ruedi, C. H . , degree, 3 W Ruehe, H . A., appointment, 5Q, 493_ Ruel, B a r b a r ^ / g ^ o f n t m e n t , ^ ^ ? Ruel, Henriett^v appointment, 114 Ruffner, Rachel, degree, 822' ' Rugg, Earl U., apppintrnejit, 26 degree, 3^6 ***' Rulison, H . | | . t 433, appointment, 51 app6tntmerit, v v Rumry, Flor^ncl I^,'\ppp"-*—--*• 1 ||2, 288, 526, Rundquist, E . T-, degree, 649, 330 Rundle, W . B . , pgrfee, W " "' Rundles, C. M . / d e g r e e , 352 Runneberg, E . C , {fel^e, 359 Rush, P . W., appbiMment, 733 Rusk, H . P., 491, appointment, 49 Russell, F . A., a p p o M m e n t , ^ 278 Russell, M . E., stholarsliip, 76T Russett, J. P . , degree, 355i'' Russian locomotive, tests on, 550 Rusy, B. F., degree, 359 R u t h , W. A., 495, appointment, 52 Rutherford, Florence, degree, 352 Ryder, H . A. L., degree, 820 Rydin, C..]. S., appointment, 119 Ryerson, E. W-, appointment, 517 Ryerson, L. H., appointment,,475 Rylan^er, R. A., degree, 825 T ' " ' Sabin, Ethel E., appointment, 167 Sachs, W. H . , 490, appointment, 571 Saffell, Gladys D., degree, 352 Sager, Anna E., degree, 353. Sailer, F., degree, 822 final honors, 832 Salaries, civil service, 753 increase proposed, 24f> of enlisted members of staff, 346 Sale, C / S : , 484, 487, appointment, 4 1 , 45 Salpas, S. M., appointment, 211 degree, 362 " ^ Saltpeter investigations, 60, 202, 334 Samuels, Theresa. M., degree, 8,17 Sanders, G. E\, degree, 362 Sanford, Juanita L., degree, 352 Santee, A. M., appointment, 167, 365 Sapper, H f V. L., degree, 362 Sarett, L. R., appointment, 34, 477 Sargent, Francelia P., degree, 819 final honors, 832 Sargent, Rachel L., degree, 364 Sato, Kenoske, degree, 816 Sauer, F . J., degree, 362 Saunders, Alta G., appointment, 328, 571 Saunders, H . P., appointment, 525, Savage, E . H., degree, 825 Savage, T . E., appointment, 35, 477 Hudson bay expedition, 23 ^ expense, Hudson bay expedition, 124 Savage, W . C , degree, 359^ Savage, W. E., degree, 540 Savord, R u t h , appointment, 26, 469 Sawyer, Gertrude E., degrees, 822 final honors, 832 Sayre, W« R<> degree, 367 Scales, wagon, 122 " Scanlan, Mary, 497, appointment, 58 Scarab competition,'832V'"* ~f " " Schachter, J . A., degree, 362 Schaefer property purchase, 124, 136 Schaffner, P . F., appointment^ 119 Schaumberg, E . G., degr|s, 355 ' Schecht, M . , degree, 540 v Scheele, A. G., appointment, 571 Scheffer, Wilhelmina, degree, 817 Schelly, R. P., appointment, 621 Schelm, G. W., degree; $24 Schifflin, A. K., degree, 821 Schiltz, A. F., degree, 363 Schleck, H . , appointment, 774 Schleifer, F . J., degree, $59 final honors, 372 ' * Schlink, F . J., degree, 368 Schlomovitz, B . H., appointment, 167 Schmidt, £ . C., 487, apppintment, 45 ; "leave of absence, 536, 672 Schmidt, E . J., degree, 362 Schmidt, R., 481, appointment, 38 Schneider, A. C , degree, 356 i: Schnellbach, J . F., appointment, 57 leave of absence, 277 Schnellbacher, J. P., appointment, 621 Schobert, R. J., degree, 363/ ' " " Schoch, A. J., degree, 356 Schoen, E., appointment, 572 Schoene, H . F., degree, 540 Schoenberg, A. J,, appointment, 118, 516. Schoepperle, Gertrude, appointment', 3^, 476 Scholarships and fellowships, 296 appropriation, 464 graduate, 284, 669, 766 in agriculture and household science, rules, 64 lawrrule/122 " """"' '""'"" '* military and band, 471 undergraduate proposed changes, 658 undergraduate term extended, $32 School District, 70, water and light, 133 Schoonover, W . R., 490, appointment* 47 Schradrick, H . E., degree, 828, appbintment, 480 Schrager, Louis, appointment, 118"" ' Schreck, John, appointment, 167 Schreiber, L. H., appointment, 572 degree, 822 Schroeder, P : L., appointment, 288, 733 degree, 362 Schroeppel, Bertha S., appointment, 469 Schroeppel, H . tt., degree, 356 final honors, 372 Schuettner, A. J., appointment, 471, 572, 76,3 Schulters, J. R., appointment, 37 Schultz, F . J., degree, §19' Schuttz, Louis, 559, appointment, 115 Schulz, E . R., degree, 366 fellowship, 284, 766 Sehuiz, T. A., degree, 353 Schulz, W. F., 487, appointment, 44 Schumacher, Dixie H., degree, 353 Schwagmeyer, Ella, degree, 817Schwalbe, W. L., appointment, 767 Schwartz, G. F., appointment, 55, 498 Schwartz; 1. M., appointment, 399, 525 Schwarz, G. L., appointment, 474 S,chweickhard, D . M., appointment, 775 Scientific bureaus, proposed re-organizations, %9S Scofield, Harriet, degree, 367 * ".'"' Scott, Edna £ . , 4 9 8 , appointment, 55 Scott, F , W., appointment,' 33, 476_ leave" of absence, 539 on one-half time, 671 Scott, G . k . , degree; 359 final honors, 372 Sc,ott, H . L., letter, military training, 205 w Scott, ft. £.; degree, 35$ '" Scott, W., degree, 827 Scovill, H . T., appointment, 3£, 278, 481 Scrogin, Sara E., appointment, 399 Scudder, Margaret, degree, 82$
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