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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
858 INDEX Quinn, Florence K., degree, 823 Quiring, D . P,, appointment, 570, 679 Raaberg, R. S., degree 355 RachefF, Ivan, degree, 352 Radebaugh, G. H., 485, appointment, 43 Radebaugh, R. C , degree, 362 Rafinski, C. J., degree, 819 Rahn, C , appointment, 37, 479 Rahn, L. A., degree, 822 Rahn, R., degree, 821 Raibourn, P . A., degree, 356 final^ honors, 372 special honors, 371 Railway advisory board, 60, 200 Railway Engineering and Administration, School of salaries, 45, 487 suspended, 632 Raines, L. C , appointment, 468 degree, 817 Raithel, Kathryn R., degree, 817 Ralph, W . F . , degree, 825 Ramos, R. A., degree, 362 Ramsay, C. J., degree, 352 Ramser, J. H., degree, 357 final honors, 372 Randa, C. E., degree, 820 Randall, F . J., degree, 822 Randall, Grace L., degree, 352 Randall, J. G., appointment, 761 Randolph, Cora C , degree, 352 Randolph, J . R., appointment, 241 Rankin, F . H., 489, appointment, 54 Rankin, Luro J., degree, 818 Ranney, W. P., degree, 359 Rantoul farm sale completed, 503 sale of, 133, 136 title, 532 title to be cleared, 412 Rao, M . G. S., appointment, 475 Raphaelson, S. M., degree, 352 Rapp, E . W., degree, 353 Rathbone, Mayme, appointment, 57 Rathbun, H . H., degree, 822 Rathsack, Mary, degree, 352 Rauschert, E . P., degree, 363 Rawlings, H . F., appointment, 205 Ray, A. B , appointment, 166 Ray, J. H., degree, 362 Rayner, W . H., 484, appointment, 41 Rayson, F . C , appointment, 166, 467, 570, 679 Read, C. F., appointment, 732 Read, J. K., appointment, 32 Reader, E m m a G., degree, 817 Reagan, M . E., appointment, 679, 774 degree, 356 Rebman, P . J., 485, appointment, 43 Receptions, 13 Reconstruction hospital, 748 Records, M a r y M., appointment, 53 Red Cross Work Room, 650 Redding, Charlene, appointment, 679 Redenbaugh, H . E., appointment, 166 Redman, Charles, suit, 532 Reece, E . J., 55 Reed, Alice, 491 Reed, Cordelia, degree, 817 Reed, C. O., 491, appointment, 48 Reed, F . J., degree, 359 Reed, F W., appointment, 30, 472, 479, 571 Reed, G. S., degree, 825 Reed, J. K., degree, 364 Reed, J., contract, uniforms, 415, 749 Reed, M . J., degree, 357 final honors, 372 Portrait of President James, 660 Post, F . W., appointment, 29, 47 Post, G. W., appointment, 120, 516 Postel, H . S., degree, 354 Postlewait, Harriet L., degree, 360 Postoffice, branch, 4 Potter, G. E., degree, 356 Powell, A. R., appointment, 32, 474 degree, 828 Powell, B . E., appointment, 29, 472 reports, 244, 266 Powell, Park, 480, appointment, 166 Powell, S. G., appointment, 32, 474, 570 Powers, E . B., appointment, 166 degree, 829 Powers, J . H , appointment, 269, 621, 628, 774 commission, 373 degree, 354 Powers, J. O., degree, 352, 827 Powers, R . A., degree, 359 P r a t t , D . J., 473 Preliminary honors, prizes for winners, 658 President of t h e Board, delegation of signature, 247 elected, 246 President of the University elected, 247 house, assignment for other uses, 239 t o Y. M . C. A., 642 office expense, 12 office salaries, 24, 455 Press, University deed received, 504 organization authorized, 747 site purchased, 333, 412, 512 Price, F a n n y E., appointment, 166 Price, M . H., degree, 389, 604 Price, Miles O., appointment, 25, 468, 679 Prickett, A. L., appointment, 570 degree, 826 Priem, H . W., appointment, 288 Printing, 456 machinery appropriation, 190, 634 State Superintendent of, 97, 186 Print Shop, 499 Prior, J . H., Electrical Standards laboratory, 62 Prison Industries, Board of relations with, 237 Pritchard, Walter, appointment, 166 Prizes, awarded, 832 Probation rule, 632 Probst, Alice, 494, appointment, 51 Propst, D . W., degree, 361 Provine, L. H . , appointment, 40, 482 Prucha, M . J., 493, appointment, 50 Pruitt, L., scholarship, 766 Prussing, Alexander, bill, 625 Psychology, department of expense, 14 salaries, 3 7 , 4 5 7 , 479 Publications and general expense, 13, 456 Pugh, Ada R., degree, 360 Pulcipher, K. D., degree, 819 Purcell, W . T., degree, 355 Pusey, W . A., appointment, 116 P u t c a m p , Elsie M . , scholarship, 284 P u t n a m , Persis, appointment, 25, 468 P u t n a m , W . J., 486, appointment, 44, 280 Pyle, B . G., degree, 825 Pyron, J. E., degree, 353 Quandt, Coramae, appointment, 774 degree, 360 Quick, Harry, degree, 356 Quick, Nan, appointment, 166, 467, 570 Quimby, J . C , degree, 366 Quine, W. E., appointment, 116
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