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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX Pauli, Adolph, appointment, 470 degree, 364 Pavelczyk, Joseph, appointment, 70 Peale, Margaret, degree* 818 Pearlman, S. J., appointment* 288 Pearson, F . A., 493, appointment, 50 Pearson, F . H . , degree, 821 Pearson, H . A., degree, 356 Pearson, W . F., letter, 765 Pease, A. S., appointment* 33, 475 Pease, T . C , appointment, 36* 478 Pecchia, V. A., commission, 373 degree, 356 Peck, R. L., Jr., degree, 356 Pedler, R. H . , degree, 357 Peel, Thomas* appointment, 32, 475* 570 Peirce, W. M., degree, 818 Peirson, M a r y L., degree, 818 Pelikan, A. E., degree, 363 Pell, Hazel M., degree, 818 Pelzer, H a r r y Louis, degree, 351 Pence, J. W., scholarship* 250 Pendarvis, H . R., degree, 352* 356 Pendergast, M a r y H . , degree, 351* 826 Pengilly, H . E., appointment, 570 Penhallow, L. B., degree, 821 Percival, Lilley R., degree, 822 Percival, Olive B., 496, appointment, 53 Percival, Stella R., degree* 360 Percy, N . M., appointment* 117, 516 Perez, V. H . , degree, 825 Pergande, Robert, 486, appointment, 44 Perkins, C. H., degree, 824 Perkins, Frances J., appointment* 570 degree, 817 Perry, Lorinda, 496, appointment, 53 Perry, Margaret, appointment, 32 degree, 364 Perry, Nelle, degree, 352 Person, F . D., degree, 825 Peterkin, J. T., appointment, 570. Peters, Helen A., appointment, 45 Peters, J. H., appoihtrnent* 331 Peterson, C. A., degree, 359 Peterson, Florence, appointment* 110* 525 Peterson, J . O., degree* 824 Peterson, R. W., degree* 359 final honors, 372 scholarship, 284 Peterson, S. C , degree, 822 Peterson, T . E., degree, 359 . Pethybridge, F . H.* degree* 359 Petrass, A., degree, 824 P e t r y , C. A., salary, 637 Petscheke, Ella, appointment, 679 P e t t y cash funds, 263 P e t t y , M . R ^ degree, 359 Pfeffcr, L. H . , degree, 359 Pfeiffer, C. L.* degree, 356 Pfeiffer, R . S., degree, 357 Pfeil, M a r y E., degree, 365 Pharmacy, School of advisory board, 60 board appointment* 408 building, insurance, 201 reconstruction, 197 remodeling, 2 consolidation with Northwestern, 334 department of chemistry* 346 expense, 23, 58 government service, 295 insurance* 123 loan fund for women, 297 matriculation and registration fees, 195 Northwestern University School oL 295 salaries, 23, 58t 465, 497 terms and fees, 66 U7 Phelps, C. E., 485, appointment* 241 Phelps, J . M . , appointment, 34> 166, 477 Phelps, V. V., appointment, 24, 466 resignation, 670 Phifer, C. H . , appointment, 118, 516 Phi Beta K a p p a prize, 832 Philbrick, Lois, degree, 352 Philippine student free tuition asked, 126 Philips, P . C , appointment, 279 Phillips, A. G., appointment^ 570 Phillips, Bernice 1., degree, 818 Phillips, E . M., degree, 540. Phillips, Minnie A.,degree, 353 Phillips, R u t h , degree, 818 Philosophy, expense, 14 salaries* 36, 472, 479 Photography and blueprinting, expense, 13 salaries, 29, 455 Physical plant, budget, 11 storeroom, 499 Physical Training Men, expense, 12 . salaries, 28, 455, 471 p . Women, additional credit* 393 salaries, 455,471 Physics building, fire in* 176 Physics, department of general Engineering curriculum, 392 salaries, 44, 487 Physiology, department of, expense, 14 salaries, 36, 457 Piaseczynski, F., degree, 361, 824 ..„. Pickels, G. W., appointment, 4 1 , 570,. 628 Pickett, B. S., 494, appointment, 51* 27.7 Pickler, W . E., appointment* 30, 337* 473 degree, 828 Pickoff, F;,A.i appointment, 732 degree, 824 Pieper, Flossie O., 494, appointment, 51 Pieper, John, 491* degree., 359> 366 Pierce, B . E., degree, 356 Pierce, Norval* appointment* 117* 517 Pierce, Thirza M.» degree, 365 Pike, C. E., 487, appointment, 44* 628 degree* .828 Pilchard, E . I.* degree* 359 , Pilot, Isadore* appointment, 166 degree, 362 ^ , ;, Pires, Margaret J., scholarship^W7 Pittinger, B. Fi* appointment* 3$ P i t t m a n , T . M . , degree>368 P l a n t pathology, resolutions^ 202 short course* 175 Piatt, J. H., appointment, 570 , . Plym prize, 832, fellowship awarded, 331 Plymale, Betha, degree, 81&$ Pohlmann, E . C , degree, 8|I} Poli, Domingo, degree, 364 Policoff, W . W., appointment, 621 Policy governing appointments for 19|7 : 18, 301 Political science, derkrtme'nt of, expense, 14, salaries, 37, 457, 479 P^Ik, W. W.. degree* 821 ; Pomeroy, J.. N . , 498, appointment* 55 leave d t absence, 545 Pool, E . H . , degree, 361 Pooley, M . J., appointment, 679 Poor, L. S., degree, 352 Pope, W . T., 485, appointment, 4 3 , 70 Porter, F . Mi* 484* appointment! 42 Porter, H . H., degree, 357 Porter, J. L., appointment, 117 Porter, Margaret hfi degree* 8 1 / ,. P o r t o Rtean fungi, Stdveris eoHecfcioii, 174
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